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PURPOSE AND CONTEXT Information is an integral part of healthcare: the need for patients to give informed consent is the basis of all care and treatment. Over time, health information has acquired a wider role and greater significance, with an expansion in the range and number of sources of that information. This has raised the question as to reliability of that information. The recent interest of pharmaceutical companies in the provision of "patient information" in the 80s and 90s has blurred the boundaries between drug promotion and health information.The development by pharmaceutical companies of "direct-to-consumer advertising" DTCA ; in some countries the USA, New Zealand ; , of disease awareness campaigns all over the world, and more recently perhaps of disease mongering the manufacturing of diseases ; and "compliance programs", together with direct and indirect industry support of patients organisations have increased the confusion and concerns. The situation in Europe is now acute. After the rejection by the European Parliament, in 2002, and the European Council, in 2003, of a European Commission proposal to change European advertising regulations to allow pharmaceutical companies to promote "awareness of the availability" of products for asthma, diabetes and AIDS, companies have sought alternate ways of providing "information" to patients and consumers. Although the term `information' is used, the activities in question include direct and disguised advertising. In essence, the industrial challenge remains the same: lifting the ban on directto-consumer advertising in Europe. If patients are to make truly informed choices about their health, clarification is needed to distinguish between information and advertising presented as "information". 1.1. Information as part of health education Over-medicalisation of the European population tends to introduce confusion between "health information" and "information on illnesses and medicines". Basic health information includes knowledge on how the human body functions, at different life stages, and on what can help to remain healthy. A solid background on the basic concepts such as benefit harm balance, symptoms aetiology, etc. is needed to empower people to take more responsibility for their own health and engage more widely in self-care. 1.2. Information as part of health care Citizens need various type of information to improve their access to health care: information on prevention screening, vaccination, contraception, etc. ; , on illnesses and treatments, specific information when they participate to clinical trials for a real informed consent ; .Written information is useful, but face to face exchanges, trustful relationship is essential for adapting the content to each situation. 1.3. Information in case of illness In the case of health problems which require professional assistance, patients and their families need to be able to express their worries and their feelings, they need to be listened to, and to obtain answers to their questions, for example: 1- What is the cause of the problem? 2- Will the symptoms spontaneously disappear? 3- What would be the purpose of tests and investigations? 4- Is there anything I can do myself to improve my condition? 5- Are there effective interventions to relieve symptoms, cure the disease, or prevent recurrence? 6- What are the different treatment options? 7- What are the potential benefits and harms of the treatment? In the short- and particularly in the long-term? 8- How can I reduce the side effects if treatment is worth using? The information needed has therefore to be developed for different purposes, for example to: understand what's wrong, gain a realistic idea of prognosis, understand the processes and likely outcomes of tests and treatments, identify the most relevant options and services, help to cope, learn about available services and sources of help, etc. Such information should enable people to shared decision-making with health professionals and climara.
It is considered as an alternative drug if a patient cannot tolerate other more effective medications.
Temperature at which the increased glucose production occurred suggested that added adrenaline or noradrenaline was protecting endogenous sympathetic material from enzymic destruction, and that in the absence of either of these agents, sympathin was being destroyed at the lower temperatures and was thus unable to manifest any effect on glycogenolysis. These facts support the hypothesis that the form of the type B curve is due to the potentiation of liver sympathin above a critical temperature. The results obtained with insulin both in vivo and in vitro agree with previous reports on the perfused isolated frog's liver Issekutz & Szende, 1934 ; . The failure of insulin to act in vitro is probably attributable to the time interval which elapses between administration of insulin in vivo and lowering of blood-sugar level Issekutz, 1924; Smith, 1953 ; , because when insulin is administered previously to the intact animal, the glucose production of the perfused liver is reduced Kenese & Kovacs, 1949 ; , as was also found with liver slices in the present work. The general conclusion to be drawn from the experimental work presented in this paper is, therefore, that the relation between temperature and rate of glycogenolysis is fundamentally linear. Above a certain critical temperature 12-14 C ; , however, it is generally found that glucose production increases more rapidly with further rise in temperature, probably owing to stimulation by endogenous sympathomimetic material. This in vitro relation between temperature and glycogenolysis may be considered in relation to some observations reported by Smith 19526 ; , showing that the liver glycogen content of male frogs living under natural conditions in the autumn varied inversely with temperature over the range 8-200 C. The present work, if applicable m vivo, suggests that glycogenolysis in the intact frog would increase rapidly with rising temperature between 13 and 21 C. It was over precisely this part of the temperature-range that Smith found the most rapid change in liver-glycogen content. This correspondence between in vitro and in vivo findings suggests that the occurrence of sympathomimetic stimulation of glycogenolysis at the higher environmental temperatures may be an important factor in controlling the glycogen content of the frog's liver in the summer and autumn months. SUMMARY 1. The form of the temperature-glycogenolysis curve of frog's liver slices, when incubated with Ringer solution, was determined over the range 7-21 C. for samples of frogs over a period of 18 months. Three types of curve were observed: a ; Low linear, interpreted as being the least complex form, in which the action of temperature is not complicated by other factors. b ; Type B, which showed a disproportionate increase in glucose production above a certain temperature, attributed to the potentiation of sympathomimetic material. c ; High linear. 2. Both the addition of adrenaline and noradrenaline to the incubation medium caused an increase in glucose production at all temperatures. Also, the dispropor.

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