

Figure I. Groups of drugs implicated in phase I adverse drug reactions identified by the panel as being a definite ; or probable ; cause of admission. compared with those without, x2 13.22, df 5, P -- 0.021 ; , with incidence of DRPs increasing with increasing age. A reduction in incidence of DRPs after 90 years of age was observed, which may be due to greater caution being used in prescribing for very old patients. However, low numbers of patients over 90 years of age were admitted to the study, which may partly explain these results. The mean number of prescribed drugs on admission was significantly greater for patients with a DRP 4.6 2.6 ; than for those without 35 2.6, t -- 4.60, P 0.001 ; . Since no assessment of frailty or cognitive function was made, it is not possible to determine from this study whether these factors influence vulnerability to DRPs. Adverse drug reactions were the main category of.
Background We previously demonstrated that low concentrations of a new antihistamine levocetirizine inhibited eosinophil transmigration through human microvascular endothelial cells. Objective Here, the inhibitory effect of levocetirizine on eosinophil adhesion to recombinant human vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 rhVCAM ; -1 was examined under conditions of shear stress using an in vitro model of the post-capillary venules. Methods Eosinophils isolated from normal subjects were pre-incubated with a concentration range of levocetirizine 10 610 10 M ; or negative dilution control. Resting or granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor GM-CSF ; -stimulated cells were pumped through rhVCAM-1 10 mg mL ; coated capillary tubes using a microfluidic syringe pump at a precise and constant flow rate 1 dyn cm2 ; . Images of rolling and firmly adherent eosinophils were captured using real-time video microscopy. Results Levocetirizine significantly inhibited resting eosinophil adhesion to rhVCAM-1 with maximal effect at 10 8 with an EC50 of 10 9 Levocetirizine almost abolished resting eosinophil adhesion by the 15 min time-point. GM-CSF significantly enhanced eosinophil adhesion and their ability to flatten on rhVCAM-1. Both phenomena were inhibited by levocetirizine in a dosedependent manner, at both 5 and 15 min optimal concentration of 10 8 with an EC50 of 10 9 Real-time imaging revealed that the effect of levocetirizine on post-adhesion behaviour detachment, flatness ; contributed to its inhibitory action on eosinophil adhesion to rhVCAM-1. In contrast, very late antigen VLA ; -4 mAb inhibited eosinophil adhesion to rhVCAM-1 from the earliest time-points. Conclusion Physiologically relevant concentrations of levocetirizine inhibit resting and GM-CSFstimulated firm eosinophil adhesion to rhVCAM-1 under flow conditions.
Adapted from `Safer Management' of Controlled Drugs: Early Action available on the Department of Health Website ; Stacey Sadler, Practice Pharmacist, Rushcliffe PCT CONTROLLED DRUG CD ; DESTRUCTION IN PRIMARY CARE The legal requirements for destruction of controlled drugs are different depending on whether the CDs are patient returns or whether they are expired or out of date stock. All professionals are individually responsible for ensuring that the destruction of CDs within their place of practice is consistent with both legal requirements and good practice guidance. Expired practice stock Within a practice a member of staff may destroy out of date expired controlled drugs this includes CDs from a doctor's bag ; , however, the destruction must be witnesses by one of the following persons in Primary Care Trusts: A PCT prescribing advisor. The Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program DoD BCRP ; was established in 1992 to encourage innovative research aimed at the eradication of breast cancer. Since its inception, nearly .66 billion has been appropriated for funding breast cancer research, and more than 4000 awards have been granted. The BCRP supports three major categories of awards-- those for innovation, training in breast cancer research and translation of laboratory science into clinical practice. The Breast Cancer Center of Excellence BCCOE ; award, which falls into the latter category, was implemented in 2001 to "optimize research and accelerate the solution of a major overarching problem" in breast cancer research using an integrated multiinstitutional, multidisciplinary team. Proposals submitted for BCCOE award consideration must address a single question that is critical to the prevention, detection, diagnosis and or treatment of breast cancer. Research goals should include: 1 ; solving a major problem in basic, clinical, translational and or population-based breast cancer research; 2 ; developing important resources, such as databases; and or 3 ; creating a unique and innovative approach to focus on a crucial research problem. As in other BCRP programs, breast cancer patient consumer advocate groups such as Y-ME are expected to play an important role in all aspects of the award process, including the recruitment of research participants, evaluation of research proposals and dissemination of information to the general public. Furthermore, the inclusion on research teams of experts from nontraditional disciplines e.g., physics, mathematics, economics and computer science ; is strongly encouraged, as is collaboration with scientists from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. Since 2001, nearly million has been distributed among 12 BCCOE recipients. The funded research covers a broad range of topics, all of which are aimed at eliminating breast cancer. Of the BCCOE award program, 2003 recipient Michael Press says, "This BCCOE award will allow our team of investigators to work collectively on a single problem in breast cancer causation rather than working separately in a fragmentary fashion. The grant facilitates our sharing new data examining hormonal carcinogenesis from several different perspectives. I very excited about having a chance to work with such a team of talented investigators on what we think is a critically important problem in breast cancer." Peter Shields, a 2002 BCCOE award recipient, comments, "We have many questions about what causes breast cancer, and without those answers we are hindered in the areas of prevention and targeting the most vulnerable for screening. Alcohol drinking is a known risk factor for breast cancer, but there is a lot we don't know about that. Also, alcohol effects mimic others, such as dietary causes of breast cancer. So, the study of alcohol drinking and breast cancer risk is very important. The BCCOE award program has allowed us to test several different hypotheses in a multiinstitutional setting with many multidisciplinary investigators. Only this structure, rather than typical National Institutes of Health award mechanisms, allows us to pursue our hypotheses in a flexible and creative fashion, because it is structured as one study, funded with one pool of money and allows for the study of several novel hypotheses simultaneously across different epidemiological and research models. Drugs3%3alevocetirizine%3bhealth conditions2%3arhinitis&o t&t vhealth. They help you when your body's supply of energy and health status is very low due to a lack of time and lopid. IM Internal Medicine; FP Family Practice; Psych Psychiatry; EM Emergency Medicine; OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynecology; GP General Practice; All All Claims i.e. Market share. 6.5 the organism to survive in a viable, but non-culturable form in the environment greatly enhances its epidemic potential. Only two serogroups, V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae O139 have been associated with epidemic disease. V. cholerae O1 has 3 recognisable serotypes, Ogawa, Inaba and Hikojima, the last being an unstable intermediate between the first two. This serogroup can also be divided into two biotypes, classical and El Tor, which may be differentiated both biochemically and epidemiologically.8, 9 Classical V. cholerae O1 causes inapparent infection in approximately 60% of cases, as opposed to 75% of those due to V. cholerae O1 El Tor. Moderate to severe cholera cholera gravis ; due to classical V. cholerae O1 is seen in 25% of cases as opposed to approximately 10% of cases of V. cholerae O1 El Tor and lopressor.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Health Care for Adolescents. Washington, DC: ACOG; 2003. Patient Education Pamphlets How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1999 ; AP009 ; SP009--Spanish ; Genital Herpes 1999 ; AP054 ; Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis 2000 ; AP071 ; Hepatitis B Virus in Pregnancy 2000 ; AP093 ; HIV Infection in Women 2000 ; AP082 ; Human Papillomavirus Infection 2003 ; AP073 ; Protecting Yourself Against Hepatitis B 1998 ; AP125.
108 ; You work for a chain pharmacy that has real time, online sharing capabilities. How many CS refills will federal law allow you to transfer to another of the chain's pharmacies? 109 ; In addition to the label information required on a noncontrolled substance prescription, what other statement is required to be on for a controlled substance? 110 ; In a bona fide emergency, a practitioner may telephone a Schedule II prescription to the pharmacy. The pharmacist may dispense if: List the four requirements and lotrimin.

Fig. 1. Representative experiment showing the effects of levocetirizine. Ii ; Clinical Uses of TPOAb Measurements TPOAb is the most sensitive test for detecting autoimmune thyroid disease 261 ; . As shown schematically in Figure 7, TPOAb is typically the first abnormality to appear in the course of developing hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimotos' thyroiditis. In fact, when TPOAb is measured by a sensitive immunoassay, 95% of subjects with Hashimotos thyroiditis have detectable levels of TPOAb. Such methods also detect TPOAb in most ~85% ; patients with Graves' disease 248 ; . Patients with TPOAb detected in early pregnancy are at risk for developing post-partum thyroiditis 253 ; . Recent reports have suggested that the IQ of children born to mothers with increased TSH and or detectable TPOAb during pregnancy may be compromised 60-62 ; . This has prompted recommendations that all pregnant women should have TSH and TPOAb levels measured in the first trimester of their pregnancy [Section 2A c ; and Guideline 2.4 ; ]. Further, TPOAb measurements may have a role in infertility, since high TPOAb levels are associated with a high risk of miscarriage and failure with invitro fertilization 262 ; . Figure 7. TPOAb Changes with Developing Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and metrogel. On examination, she is mildly ill-appearing. Temperature is 100.7 F Blood pressure is 110 70 Pulse is 112 She has delayed capillary refill. Calm-aid , candida albicans extract , candida skin test , candin , cantil , carbachol ophthalmic , carbamazepine , carbamazepine extended release , carbatrol , carbinoxamine , carbinoxamine extended release , carbinoxamine pd , carboptic , carboxine , cardioquin , cardura , cardura xl , carduran , carteolol , cartrol , cascor , catapres , catapres-tts-1 , catapres-tts-2 , catapres-tts-3 , celontin , cetirizine , chlo-amine , chlor-al rel , chlor-mal , chlor-phen , chlor-phenit , chlor-trimeton , chlor-trimeton allergy sr , chloral hydrate , chlorphen , chlorpheniramine , chlorpheniramine allergy ; , chlorpheniramine 24 hour extended release , chlorpheniramine extended release , chlorpromazine , chlorpromazine extended release , chlortan , clemastine , clidinium , clomipramine , clonidine , clonidine topical , clopine , clozapine , clozapine synthon , clozaril , coccidioidin skin test , codeine , codeine phosphate , codeine sulfate , codimal a , cogentin , cognex , compazine , compazine spansule , compoz nighttime sleep aid , compro , contac 12 hour allergy , cophene b , cordron nr , corlopam , cyclizine , cyclobenzaprine , cyclobenzaprine extended release , cymbalta , cyproheptadine , cystospaz , cystospaz-m , d-vert , dailyhist-1 , dalmane , darifenacin , demecarium bromide ophthalmic , demerol hcl , denzapine , depacon , depakene , depodur , deserpidine , desipramine , desyrel , desyrel dividose , detrol , detrol la , dexbrompheniramine , dexchlorpheniramine , dexchlorpheniramine extended release , dexmedetomidine , di-phen , diamode , diar-aid , dicyclocot , dicyclomine , dilantin , dilantin infatabs , dilantin kapseals , dilantin-125 , dilaudid , dilaudid-5 , dilaudid-hp , dimenhydrinate , dimetane , dimetane extentab , dimetapp allergy , dimetapp allergy liquigel , diphedryl , diphen , diphen af , diphen cough , diphenadryl , diphendryl , diphenhist , diphenhydramine , diphenhydramine citrate , diphenhydramine tannate , diphenmax , diphenydramine quick melt , diphenyl , diphenylin , diskets , disopyramide , disopyramide extended release , ditropan , ditropan xl , diurese , dmh , dolophine , doloral , doloral sirop , donepezil , donnamar , doxadura , doxazosin , doxazosin extended release , doxepin , doxepin topical , doxylamine , dph , dramamine , dramamine ii , dramoject , driminate , driminate ii , duloxetine , duraclon , duragesic , duragesic-100 , duragesic-12 , duragesic-25 , duragesic-50 , duragesic-75 , duramorph pf , dymenate , dytan , dytuss , echothiophate iodide ophthalmic , ed chlor-tan , ed chlorped , edecrin , edecrin sodium , efidac-24 chlorpheniramine , elavil , ena 713 , enablex , endep , endocodone , enduron , epitol , eplerenone , equetro , escitalopram , eserine sulfate ophthalmic , eskalith , eskalith-cr , eszopiclone , eth-oxydose , ethacrynic acid , ethosuximide , exelon , fazaclo , fenoldopam , fentanyl , fentanyl topical , fentora , fexmid , flavoxate , flexeril , flexoject , flexon , fluoxetine , fluoxetine extended release , fluphenazine , fluphenazine decanoate , fluphenazine enanthate , fluphenazine hydrochloride , flurazepam , galantamine , galantamine extended release , genahist , geodon , glycopyrrolate , guanabenz , guanadrel , guanfacine , halcion , haldol , haldol decanoate , haloperidol , haloperidol decanoate , harmonyl , histaject , histamine phosphate , histatrol , histex ct , histex i e , histex pd , histex pd 12 , histolyn-cyl , histoplasmin , histoplasmin diluted , homatropine , humorsol ocumeter , hydramine , hydramine compound , hydramine cough syrup , hydrate , hydromorph contin , hydromorphone , hydromorphone extended release , hydrostat ir , hydroxyzine , hydroxyzine hydrochloride , hydroxyzine pamoate , hylorel , hyoscyamine , hyoscyamine extended release , hyosol , hyospaz , hyosyne , hyrexin , hytrin , hyzine , ib-stat , imipramine , imipramine pamoate , imodium , imodium a-d , imodium a-d ez chews , imodium a-d new formula , imotil , infumorph , inspra , invega , iodotope , ionsys , iopidine , isoflurophate ophthalmic , isopto carbachol , isopto carpine , j-tan , j-tan pd , kadian , kao-paverin , kaopectate caplet , kemadrin , ketalar , ketamine , l-hyoscyamine , largon , levatol , levbid , levocetirizine , levoprome , levrix , levsin , levsin sl , levsinex sr , lexapro , lithium , lithium carbonate , lithium carbonate extended release , lithium citrate , lithobid , lithonate , lithotabs , lodrane 12 hour , lodrane 24 , lodrane xr , loperamide , lotensin , loxapine , loxitane , loxitane c , loxitane im , ludiomil , lunesta , lyrica , m-eslon , m-oxy , o and mobic.

Our initial recommendations would include: - pack sizes could be reduced to contain a maximum of 720mg this is sufficient for short-term treatment of symptoms ; - pharmacists could limit sales to one pack per patient the npa would support additional professional guidance for pharmacists and their staff to ensure the sale of these products is closely monitored and controlled. Stimulating growth of neurons in the hippocampus the area in the brain responsible for memory ; some studies are finding that maintenance electroconvulsive therapy ect ; may be helpful for patients who do not respond to medications and moduretic.

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Only a brief outline of the general agricultural development of the area will be given here. The agricultural practices and their relation to the soils of the area are discussed in another part of this bulletin. Until the year 1791 the area known as the Eastern Townships m`as a vast, forested wilderness. Travel through the area was along Indian trails and by canoe or boat along the rivers of the country. The first vehicles nrere introduced about 1807 and oxen were first used for drawing them, since the roads were scarcely passable at that time. Toward the close of the eighteenth century and particularly between the years 1800 and 1810, this area Mas the scene of great activity. Land was cleared, sawmills erected and homes established. The first settlers meie chiefly United Empire Loyalists, soldiers of the Canadian militia and English, Irish, Scottish and American immigrants who were attracted by the cheap and fertile land north of the border. The system of tenure differed from that of French Canada. The area of a township was granted to a number of individuaIs niho organized themselves into a Company of "associates". An agent Kas elected from among them whose duty i t was t o transact al1 business of the township with the government. This agent had t o agree to bear the expense of surveying the area, open a road through it, erect mills and to obtain the signatures of forty individuals signifying their intention of becoming settlers. The earliest known settlers seem to have established themselves about the year 1774. I n 1833, the British American Land Company, capitalized at more than one and one-half millions of dollars, bought large tracts of land in this area and proceeded t o settle i t mith immigrants from the Old Country. This Company did much toward opening up the country, building mills, erecting schools and churches and constructing roads. The virgin forests were cut domn and for many years the profits of the forests were the sole source of incoine for many of the settlers and much of the Wood was burned for potash and shipped down the St. Francis River t o Three Rivers and Quebec. This was so profitable that considerable wholesale destruction of valuable timber occurred. The chief agricultural occupation is dairy farming with its production of butter and cheese, but the production of honey, maple sugar and syrup, forest products, grain and hay also hold a n important place in the agriculture of the.
Bioequivalence can be concluded from the analysis of the pharmacokinetic parameters of levocetirizine when administered alone or as the racemate cetirizine and nordette.
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In june 1999, we licensed to ucb farchim sa, now ucb pharma, or ucb, all of our issued patents and patent applications covering levocetirizine, a single isomer of ucb's antihistamine, zyrtec® , to develop, market and sell levocetirizine as a nonsedating antihistamine, worldwide, except in the and japan and ocuflox. Dosage text Increased 40MG Per day Blood Alkaline 2TAB Four Phosphatase Increased times per day 13 DAY Blood Bilirubin Increased C-Reactive Protein 1TAB Per day 500MG Per day 2 11 DAY Increased DAY Cholestasis Gamma-Glutamyltransferase .5U Per day 500MG Per day 8 9 DAY Increased DAY Jaundice 1U Per day 4MG per day 11 8 DAY Dimetindene Maleate DAY Metoclopramide Hydrochloride 15DROP Three times per day 8 DAY Tramadol Hydrochloride 20DROP Per day .075MG Per day Magnesium Aspartate Hydrochloride 1.23G Three times per day Torasemide .5TAB Per day C ORAL C ORAL 7 DAY Levothyroxine Sodium C Glaxosmithkline ORAL SS ORAL SS Glaxosmithkline ORAL SS ORAL Levocetirizine Hydrochloride SS ORAL Ciprofloxacin SS ORAL Pipamperone Hydrochloride SS ORAL Metronidazole SS Glaxosmithkline ORAL Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride SS Glaxosmithkline ORAL Paracetamol SS Glaxosmithkline ORAL Pantoprazole Sodium SS ORAL.
There have been occasional reports of somnolence, dry mouth, headache, fatigue and asthenia with the use of levocetirizine and oxybutynin and levocetirizine. Government choose to require all human oral prescription drugs to be dispensed in special packaging? The answer is twofold. First, it provides the best protection of children. Second, it eliminates the formidable task for dispensing pharmacists of having to maintain complete and accurate listings of regulated and non-regulated drugs. Since new drugs and drug classes are being approved by the FDA at an increased rate, promulgation of separate regulations for drugs or classes of drugs known to be a potential hazard to young children upon unintentional ingestion would have been an extremely onerous task. In addition, the burden upon individual pharmacists would have been great since they would have to check each drug, dosage strength, and amount before dispensing. These problems were resolved by regulating all human oral prescription drugs and then establishing a procedure for exempting products that do not pose a hazard to children described below ; . This approach was possible with the support and cooperation of the various pharmaceutical, trade, and professional associations. Oral investigational drugs for outpatient clinical trials require special packaging under the Human Oral Prescription Drug Rule. Because of the special circumstances surrounding the use of investigational drugs, the CPSC staff has issued guidance on the packaging of these products.23 Oral prescription drug samples and "starter kits" dispensed by the prescribing practitioners require special packaging. However, the current CPSC position is that manufacturers are not responsible for the special packaging of these products since they are distributed by a licensed medical practitioner who has the authority to specify non-complying packaging for his her patients. This is not the case for oral prescription drugs, including samples, that are dispensed by pharmacists, since pharmacists do not have the authority to specify that prescriptions be dispensed in non-complying packaging.24.

Xyzal levocetirizine ; prices - canadian pharmacies prices - canada drug prices - canada prescriptions - xyzal levocetirizine ; canadian online pharmacy prices and prednisolone. Actions of insurmountable antagonists. The structural model of the AT 1 receptor, presented in Fig. 6. 2nd dam JURAL GB ; : 3 wins at 2 and 115, 582 inc. Futurity S., Gr.3 and Owens Orchid Sweet Solera S., L., placed 2nd Fillies' Mile S., Gr.1, Furstenberg-Rennen, Gr.3 and Gala S., L.; dam of a winner: Silk Law IRE ; : 2 wins at 2 and placed 6 times; broodmare. Juristicia IRE ; : placed twice at 3, 2003. Gatta IRE ; yearling filly by Anabaa USA ; . 3rd dam JUST CAUSE by Law Society USA : unraced; dam of 6 winners: WITH REASON USA ; : 5 wins to 2004 and 134, 105 inc. Stan James Online Hungerford S., Gr.3, Charlton Hunt Supreme S., Gr.3, Betfair John of Gaunt S., L. and Stanleybet Robert Sangster Superior Mile, L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Great North Eastern Railway Park S., Gr.3, Doncaster Mile, L. and Bank of Scotland Business Hambleton S., L. JURAL GB ; : see above. Committal IRE ; : 14 wins, 172, 722 viz. winner at 2 and placed 3 times; also 13 wins in Canada, in France and in U.S.A. and placed 12 times; sire. Campaign GB ; : 5 wins, 26, 255 inc. winner at 3 and placed twice. Fair Lady GB ; : 2 wins at 3 and placed 4 times; also placed twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tell Them All GB ; : placed twice at 2; also winner in U.A.E. and placed 11 times. Tawaazun USA ; 2-y-o colt by El Prado IRE ; . She also has a yearling colt by Stravinsky USA ; . 4th dam TOOTENS: 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and 515, 000 fr. inc. Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1, placed viz. 4th Prix Vanteaux, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners: Ruggiero IRE ; : placed 6 times at 3 and 4 in France; also 5 wins over jumps in France and placed 19 times inc. 2nd Prix des Drags Steeplechase, L., Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice Chase, L. and Prix Saint-Sauveur H. Steeplechase, L. Oten IRE ; : 17 wins in Italy and 115, 591 and placed 26 times. Aesthetic: 2 wins at 3 and 22, 953 and placed 6 times. Innerspace: 2 wins at 3 and 4 in France and in U.S.A. Tootle: winner at 3 in France and placed; dam of 5 winners. Tootling IRE ; : dam of 3 winners inc.: ANTINNAZ IRE ; : 2 wins at 2 and 3 and 27, 860 inc. Cecil Frail S., L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Go And Go Round Tower S., L., 3rd Stillorgan Park Hotel Flying Five, Gr.3 and Cork Sprint S., L. Little Firefly IRE ; : winner at 2 and placed twice inc. 3rd Queen Mary S., Gr.3; also placed 3 times at 3 in U.S.A. inc. 3rd Providencia S., L. and Some Sensation S., L. Stabled in Barn V Box 19.
Benzalkonium chloride have been found to not have an effect in vivo.28 Although occasional cases of septal perforation have been reported in the literature this is rare and most rhinologists do not regard this complication as a result of a topical nasal steroids on its own. children 2 years and above, levocetirizine for 6 years and above while other second generation antihistamines are not licenced for children under 12 years.
10 8 M ; granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor GM-CSF ; enhanced eosinophil adhesion to VCAM-1 under flow 1 dyn cm2 ; . GM-CSF treated eosinophils rapidly flattened on the rhVCAM-1 a and b ; . Both adhesion and flattening were inhibited by levocetirizine c and d ; . Each panel depicts the same phase-contrast field of view 200 ; at different time-points with their respective treatments. The thick arrow indicates a phase-dark flattened cell at 5 min while the thin arrow showed that the same cell had returned to phase-bright at 15 min.
326.51 221.35 128.13 Contains such irrational wonders of the pharmaceutical world as Dexorange 57 crores ; which till recently contained animal blood from slaughter houses, hepatoglobin, etc and lopid.
Women who wish to get pregnant should stop using this drug prior to conception.

', 250 ; onmouseout hideddrivetip ; antihistamine levocetirizine.

There is no cure for sjogren's but it is manageable with medicine.

Usa ; , february 23, 2006 - ucb euronext: ucb ; and sepracor inc sepr · news · profile today announced a licensing agreement relating to the antihistamine levocetirizine.

Wphndxwx wrote on jul australia and remained relatively of pharmacy by the standards. A number of medications are effective in preventing malaria.

Xyzal: Net sales of Xyzal levocetirizine ; continued their steady growth in the antihistamine market from 126 million euro in 2005 to 143 million euro in 2006, or 13% increase both at real and constant exchange rates. The growth in Europe of 9% or + 10% at constant exchange rates ; to 124 million euro off-sets the decline in Zyrtec net sales. Xyzal is ahead of competition in 10 European countries with, at the end of 2006, a combined share of the European antihistamine market in the main 5 European countries of 13.4% based on the number of treatment days ; . Penetration in Emerging Markets improved with Xyzal net sales increasing by 44% to 19 million euro. Zyrtec: Net sales of Zyrtec cetirizine ; , including the decongestant form Cirrus or Zyrtec-D ; , decreased by 1 million euro or 0% variance from 562 million euro to 561 million euro, reflecting sustained growth in the U.S.A. and Emerging Markets, compensating for the particularly weak pollen season in Japan as well as the further erosion in Europe due to generic competition, reimbursement reforms and the conversion to Xyzal. Zyrtec net sales reported by UCB for the U.S.A. reflect UCB's portion of the gross profit realised by Pfizer and UCB as well as the sales of bulk cetirizine to Pfizer or 273 million euro in total for 2006. The total U.S. net sales of Zyrtec and Zyrtec-D increased by 15% from 1 362 million U.S. dollar to 1 568 million U.S. dollar. Zyrtec has strengthened its U.S. market leadership reaching a market share of 34.0% at the end of December 2006 based on the number of treatment days ; . The 10% growth of Xyzal from 113 million to 124 million euro slightly more than compensated for the decrease in Zyrtec and Cirrus net sales from 110 million euro to 100 million euro. In Japan, the entire antihistamine market decreased in 2006 with a below-average pollen season following an exceptionally severe pollen season in 2005. The combined Zyrtec market share achieved by our codistributors, Dai-Ichi and GSK Japan, reached 10.1% by the end of 2006 on the basis of the number of treatment days ; or slightly below the market leader. This resulted in a decrease of 17% or 12% at constant exchange rate ; in Zyrtec net sales in Japan from 166 million euro to 138 million euro. Allergy franchise: Given the extended growth of Xyzal, the sustained Zyrtec performance in the U.S.A. and Emerging Markets, and despite a decline in Japan and further losses of Zyrtec in Europe, net sales for the total Allergy franchise increased by 2% or + 4% constant exchange rates ; year-over-year from 688 million euro to 704 million euro. On the basis of the number of treatment days, the market share of UCB's allergy franchise at the end of 2006 amounted to 34.0% in the U.S.A., 18.9% in Europe and 10.1% in Japan. Tussionex: Net sales of Tussionex, an antitussive product sold in the U.S.A. only, reached 105 million euro in 2006, down by 3 million euro or -3% compared to 2005 or -2% at constant exchange rates ; , due to the very mild a cough and cold season in the first quarter of 2006. The U.S. market share at the end of 2006 reached more than 46%. MetadateTM CD EquasymTM XL: Net sales of this attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD ; treatment amounted to 68 million euro in 2006 up by 35% in comparison to 2005 or + 36% at constant exchange rates ; . This product is sold under the trademark MetadateTM CD in the U.S.A. 63 million euro or + 30% growth at constant exchange rates, due to new dosage forms and market share gains ; and EquasymTM XL in Europe 5 million euro further to multi-country launches.

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