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Pharmacokinetics: arthrotec® is administered orally as a single tablet. Netherlands -- Prior to 30 June 2005, the Pharmacovigilance Centre, Lareb, received 28 reports of gynaecomastia associated with the use of proton pump inhibitors PPIs ; , including omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole and rabeprazole; in most reports there was a latency period of several weeks to months from start of treatment, and all reports were in men. In addition, Lareb has also received several reports of impotence, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido that may also be associated with reduced testosterone levels. According to Lareb, most of the gynaecomastia reports were associated with the use of omeprazole, and according to reports in the WHO database there was also a disproportionate association with gynaecomastia and the use of PPIs, suggesting that gynaecomastia may be a class effect. Are the bleeding changes caused by injectables harmful?. All other men and women in the appropriate age bands should have their absolute cardiovascular risk calculated using the National Heart Foundation's cardiovascular risk tables or an electronic decision support tool based on the Framingham risk equation for first cardiovascular events. Young people, under the age of 35 years, with a strong family history of cardiovascular disease may be difficult to risk stratify and will need specific and individual assessment. A family history of premature coronary heart disease or ischaemic stroke is positive for people with a first degree male relative father or brother ; developing clinically proven cardiovascular disease angina, myocardial infarction, transient ischaemic attack, or ischaemic stroke ; before the age of 55 years or a first degree female relative mother or sister ; developing clinically proven cardiovascular disease angina, myocardial infarction, transient ischaemic attack, or ischaemic stroke ; before the age of 65 years.
Consideration when prescribing NSAIDs such as allergic reactions, skin reactions, renal complications, alteration of hepatic enzyme levels and rarely hepatopathies. Recent concerns due to an apparent higher incidence of cardiovascular CV ; adverse events with the newer NSAIDs, the coxibs, posed some questions on the CV safety profile of the whole class. To date, the scale of side effects is a key discriminator for choosing between one NSAID and another. This paper provides an overview on the state of the art of the NSAID nimesulide through a consensus agreement about its therapeutic uses, safety and actions, obtained from a meeting of leading international authorities held in Rome on 5 October 2005. The meeting was comprised of experts and opinion leaders in a number of scientific disciplines such as chemistry, pharmacology and different branches of medicine, here quoted as members of the Consensus Report Group on Nimesulide CRGN ; . Nimesulide is an NSAID with analgesic, antiinflammatory and anti-pyretic characteristics, with unique chemical and pharmacokinetics features and a multifactorial mechanism of action, which goes beyond its preferential inhibitory activity on the COX-2 enzyme, as demonstrated in studies in animal and human models. Evidence supports the clinical efficacy and safety of the drug in the treatment of acute pain, painful osteoarthritis and primary dysmenorrhoea. During the meeting, the members of the CRGN critically reviewed the information on the drug through an evidence-based approach which involved the evaluation of available published randomised controlled clinical trials, including publications in the PubMed database, World of Science ISI ; and Chemical Abstracts, and unpublished laboratory and clinical data regarding nimesulide. Although most of the publications were in English, some in other major languages were also considered. A summary of the available records was prepared and distributed to all participants who critically reviewed the key chemical, biochemical, pharmacological and toxicological papers from the peer reviewed literature and gave their feedback to the chairman. Members of the CRGN were also given other information in the form of a recently published comprehensive monograph on nimesulide 1 which represents an exhaustive collection of evidence from a vast amount of literature on the drug. In addition, the members of CRGN were also updated on the approved status of nimesulide in the European Union as stated by the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products CPMP ; of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency EMEA; now the European Medicines Agency, EMA ; in 20032. Subsequently, the consensus statements, as presented in this paper, have been submitted to all members of the Committee and their approval obtained and ramipril. Browse through the rest of the links for headache medications and find more information on how these drugs can benefit you and your headaches.

Scenti in California healthcare information technology. As CAPG continues to extol the virtues of pre-paid, organized group practice, it is both gratifying and highly instructive just how much "free" publicity a worthwhile initiative can generate. Healthplan Collaboration. CAPG continues to work closely with PacifiCare, Health Net, and other healthplans to bolster the delegated model. Workgroups devoted to new products, benefit design, IT, branding, quality all continue to meet with their counterparts at our plan partners. Mercer Campaign. Responding to Mercer's warning of a wave of HSA products about to wash over California, CAPG has begun the process of developing a communication campaign aimed at California employers. A panel of CAPG members presented our newly developed "message" to a conference of Mercer clients in November. Additional conferences are being planned. We intend to use this cornerstone message to develop an array of collateral pieces to market the advantages of the coordinated care delivered by CAPG members. FTC PPO Contracting. CAPG submitted several white papers and lobbied extensively in an effort to persuade the FTC to modify it policies to permit clinically integrated groups to engage in group PPO contracting. Subsequent policy statements and reports issued by the FTC appear to reflect some movement in their policies and have given CAPG, and numerous commentators, reason to think that the FTC will someday soon? ; give permission to highly integrated IPA to jointly contract for PPO business should they care to do so. HMO Flexibility. Recognizing the dispar Continued on page 3 and retin-a. ESTROGEN RESPONSES I N AVOIDANCE TABLE 3. URINARY ESTRONE DATA ON ALL 72-IIR. AVOIDANCE EXPERIMENTS.
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. Aciphex Tablets. rabeprazole sodium ; Nizoral Tablets. ketoconazole ; Reminyl Tablets. 4mg, 8mg, 12 mg galantamine HBr ; Risperdal Tablets 5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg risperadone ; Risperdal M Tablets 5 mg, 1mg and 2 mg risperadone ; Sporanox Capsules. econazole nitrate ; McNeil Consumer Products Company Flexeril. 5 mg, 10 mgcyclobenzaprine HCl ; Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical BiCitra Elmiron. 100 mg pentosan polysulfate sodium ; Floxin. ofloxacin ; Levaquin Mycelex Neutra-phos Pancrease Capsules. pancrelipase ; Pancrease MT Capsules. pancrelipase ; Parafon Forte DSC Caplets . chlorzoxazone ; PolyCitra Terazol Cream . terconazole ; Tolectin Capsules and Tablets. tolmetin sodium ; Topamax Ultracet Tablets. 37.5 mg tramadol HCl 325 mg acetaminophen ; Ultram Urispas. 100 mg flavoxate ; Vascor Tablets. bepridil HCl ; Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation Dermatological Division Grifulvin Tablets Suspension. griseofulvin microsize ; Monistat Derm Cream. miconazole nitrate and rimonabant.
5, no 1, pages 137-149 doi: 1 1517 1465656 ; review of rabeprazole in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease bjarni thjodleifsson ‌ landspitali university hospital, department of gastroenterology, hringbraut, reykjaví k, 101 iceland.
Prescription medication drugstore is a pharmaceutical portal dedicated to helping you solve your issues with tendinitis for good and rivastigmine. Fuhr and Jetter, 2002 ; . Our results showed that this thioether product by itself exhibited inhibitory potency to all the four major P450 enzymes Ki 2 8 for 2C19, 6 M for CYP2C9, 12 M for CYP2D6, and 15 M for CYP3A4 ; . Now that this information on the affinity and thus inhibitory potential of the thioether metabolite is available, this further accentuates the need for DDI studies with rabeprazole and substrates for CYP2D6 as well as CYP3A4, which today are lacking. Ishizaki et al. 1995 ; reported a study on the effects of rabeprazole and omeprazole on diazepam metabolism in CYP2C19 PMs and EMs. Interestingly, rabeprazole significantly increased the AUC 0 16 days ; of desmethyldiazepam in the PMs compared with omeprazole or placebo p 0.05 ; . The authors suggested that, since CYP3A is involved in both 3-hydroxylation of desmethyldiazepam and O-demethylation of rabeprazole, the role of CYP3A in the metabolism of desmethyldiazepam might be more dominant in PMs than in EMs; however, the reason why omeprazole did not show the same effect was not discussed. Our present results suggest that omeprazole and rabeprazole have similar affinity to CYP3A4, but the nonenzymecatalyzed product rabeprazole thioether showed a Ki 15 that indicates a higher potential for inhibition of CYP3A4 activity. Thus, inhibition by rabeprazole thioether may be the reason of the increased AUC of desmethyldiazepam after diazepam and rabeprazole coadministration in S-mephenytoin PMs. Considering the relatively higher lipophilicity and lower in vivo clearance of rabeprazole thioether than its parent drug Shirai et al., 2001 ; , its influence on the pharmacokinetics of coadministered drugs may be worth studying further [e.g., on typical CYP2C9 and 2C19 substrates the Ki values of rabeprazole thioether on CYP2C9 and 2C19 being 6 and 2 8 M, respectively ; ]. On the other hand, omeprazole has been shown to have no inhibitory potential of CYP3A in vivo Andersson, 1991 ; , which is the major reason why this effect on desmethyldiazepam was not observed on omeprazole. In conclusion, we have studied the inhibitory properties of the five currently marketed PPIs on P450 activities. Although the in vitro inhibitory properties of some of these compounds have been studied previously, this is the first complete study of all five compounds carried out and analyzed under the exact same experimental conditions. Due to the fact that these compounds are fully developed, approved by the regulatory authorities, found to have acceptable drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic properties, and are available for treatment of acid-related gastrointestinal disorders, the in vivo corre.
Cost Differential Losartan 25mg to Candesartan 4mg 129.22 Cost Differential Losartan 50mg to Candesartan 8mg 106.60 Cost Differential Losartan 100mg to Candesartan 16mg 149.24 It should be noted that the patent for losartan is due to expire in September 2009 whilst candesartan remains under patent until April 2012 and so this substantial price-differential will only exist for the next 2 years. D: 1st line formulary PPI of Choice: Omeprazole or Lansoprazole CAPSULES Across Oxfordshire, if 70% of patients taking rabeprazole, pantoprazole or esomeprazole or taking the tablet formulations of omeprazole or lansoprazole, could be successfully switched to omeprazole or lansoprazole in CAPSULE formulation, this would achieve cost efficiency savings of over half of a million 0.5 million ; for the PCT Many practices have already successfully carried out therapeutic switches in this area however there is still room for further significant savings and sertraline.
More information: PHARMA-BRIEF SPECIAL 1 2007 List of contents: Introduction: A complex problem Company survey: A lot of secrecy The role of industry: Marketing or concerns? Data on fake drugs: What is known? IMPACT: Quo vadis? : bukopharma Service Archiv E2007 01 special [PDF 760 kB] Counterfeit Drugs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly This article identifies the underlying cause of drug counterfeiting as the legal system of intellectual property laws. Abstract available on : papers.ssrn sol3 papers ?abstract id 926985 Social Science Research Network ; . Full text to be requested to the author: Kevin.Outterson mail.wvu.
The agency states, as was argued by both aventis and schering earlier in this procurement, that allowing nsa needs to be met outside this contract, or allowing another nsa formulation or comparable drug to remain fully available to physicians and patients after award, would thwart the formulary process and objectives, since that drug could compete for business anticipated under the contract, which would undercut the value of the award and sildenafil.

Received in original form March 24, 2003 and in final form September 2, 2003 ; Address correspondence to: Hideaki Yamasawa, M.D., Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical School, 3311-1 Yakushiji, Minamikawachi, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan. E-mail: hyamasa Abbreviations: complementary DNA, cDNA; diffuse panbronchiolitis, DPB; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA; fetal calf serum, FCS; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, G-CSF; granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor, GM-CSF; interleukin, IL; lipopolysaccharide, LPS; messenger RNA, mRNA; phosphate-buffered saline, PBS; recombinant human, rh; reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR; tumor necrosis factor, TNF!

Ppis include omeprazole prilosec ; and lansoprazole prevacid ; , as well as the newly released rabeprazole aciphex and simvastatin. Jordi Casademont, MD, Grup d'Investigaci Muscular, Departament de Medicina. Hospital Clnic, IDIBAPS, Facultat de Medicina, UB. Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, e-mail: jordi medicina.ub.
D14 POTENTIAL INCREASE OF EXPENSES FOR ANTI SECRETARY DRUGS IN BELGIUM : A FORECAST MODEL AND A PLEA FOR CONDITIONAL REIMBURSEMENT. M. Deltenre, P. Schutyser, B. Shockaert Astrazeneca Belgium. Background : Estimated Inami Riziv 2002 expenses for H2 antagonists AH2 ; and PPI's reimbursement were around 146 million . In 2003, projected expenses might increase up to 175 million , probably because of growing prescriptions of generics and unconditional reimbursement of Rabeprazole. Methods : To evaluate future expenses in that field, a model was developed taking on account the potential increase of GORD patients from 150000 in 1998, 282000 in 2000, 445000 in 2003 and up to 900000! within 2.5 to 6 years ; , of NSAID users coverage currently 380000 patient year ; and dyspeptic patients currently 115000 patients, potentially up to 588000 ; . Three reimbursement situations have been simulated : 1.On-going current mixed Bf B reimbursement conditions. 2. Bf C regulation based on a 15% price reduction of brand PPI's. 3. `All in B' situation with a 40% price reduction for brand PPI's. A monthly weighted treatment cost TABLE 1 Bf B -15% Bf -15% B -40% for AH2, generic and brand PPI was calculated according to PPI 31, 92 22, July 2003 market shares Table 1, cost expressed in ; . PPI gen 17, 92 13, Results : projected Inami Riziv costs and amount of treated AH2 9, 55 6, patients are summarized in Table 2. Conclusion : Beside a much better respect of good clinical practice and guidelines, a system allowing short empiric treatTABLE 2 TOTAL RATIO ment course C reimbursement ; and a diagnosis-based, longCost M Pat 0000 ; Cost Patients term treatment B reimbursement after endoscopy ; would Current situation 175 86 1, 0 1, 0 avoid a dramatic increase of expenses for anti secretary drugs Current bf b prognosis 334 185 1, reimbursement and would be balanced with claims for possibf c - 15 % 188 185 1, ble savings in UGI endoscopy load, currently estimated all in b -40% 277 185 1, around 11 million year and sporanox.

With aldara online aciphex rabeprazole is no longer exists to treat. Of the savings generated by the antihyperlipidemic restrictions, since drugs dispensed from retail outlets generally are more costly to DoD than drugs dispensed through the direct care system. We analyzed one aspect of this issue: the spillover effects of formulary restrictions i.e., the effects of formulary restrictions on drugs that are not the target of the restrictions ; . In these analyses, we focused on six sentinel drugs within two top therapeutic classes--the antihyperlipidemics simvastatin, atorvastatin, and pravastatin; and the gastrointestinals esomeprazole, lansoprazole Prevacid ; , and rabeprazole Aciphex ; . We selected these drugs because they are examples of drugs for which MTFs had either relatively stringent restrictions atorvastatin, pravastatin, esomeprazole, lansoprazole ; or relatively few or no restrictions simvastatin, rabeprazole ; . Specifically, among beneficiaries who received each of these drugs, we calculated the rates of MTF pharmacy, TMOP, and retail dispensing for all drugs other than the drug in question. For example, among TSRx beneficiaries who received simvastatin, we calculated rates of MTF pharmacy, TMOP, and retail pharmacy use for all drugs other than simvastatin. For atorvastatin recipients, we calculated rates of MTF pharmacy, TMOP, and retail pharmacy use for all drugs other than atorvastatin. By comparing dispensing rates across the different drugs, we could see whether beneficiaries receiving drugs that were tightly restricted within the direct care system had a greater-thanaverage tendency to use retail pharmacies for their other drugs and starlix and rabeprazole.
However, the suspension was absorbed somewhat faster, and the xr tablet slightly slower, than the conventional tablet.
TABLE 12. SUMMARY OF CONSTRAINTS AND PROCUREMENT OPTIONS Procurement Capacity Regulatory Environment Procurement Options Countries Engaged in Informed Buying and sumatriptan!

To diagnose insomnia, doctors evaluate a person's sleep pattern, use of drugs including alcohol and illicit drugs ; , degree of psychologic stress, medical history, and level of physical activity. Role for Acid Suppression Proton Pump Inhibitors to Reduce Risks of Ulcers and GI Bleeding There are several factors stated elsewhere in this brochure, such as alcohol use and age that increase risk of GI ulcer, injury or bleeding in those taking NSAIDs. Patients who have a history of prior ulcer disease or complications are believed to have the most significant risk factor for NSAID-induced GI complications, being two to four times more likely to have a GI ulcer, injury or bleeding if they take NSAIDs regularly. In general, since most NSAIDs inhibit production of the enzyme that helps protect the stomach and intestinal lining from being damaged by stomach acid, reducing stomach acid is a good thing for those taking NSAIDs. Medicines that control or decrease acid in the stomach are considered a valuable palliative; if taken regularly while NSAIDs are used, they offer some protection to those who must take NSAIDs. Clinical studies suggest a 50 percent reduction in the formation of bleeding ulcers with the use of these medications.1 The FDA recognizes specific benefits for NSAID users who are at high risk for gastric ulcers, and who take proton pump inhibitors, citing risk reduction of gastric stomach ; ulcers developing on continuous NSAID therapy esomeprazole Nexium ; and healing and risk reduction of NSAIDassociated gastric ulcers lansoprazole - Prevacid ; . Other proton pump inhibitors include the following medications: pantoprazole Protonix, rabeprazole Aciphex and omeprazole Prilosec the only one available over-the-counter. ; There is another less powerful class of acid-suppressing agents H2 receptor agonists ; , largely over-the-counter products, including cimetidine Tagamet; famotidine Pepcid; nizatidine Axid; ranitidine Zantac. H2 receptor agonists are less effective for acid suppression than proton pump inhibitors.
Ients who are followed-up in our transplantation center. The following recipients were included in this cross-sectional study: 1 ; Post-transplantation interval exceeding 3 or months, 2 ; Blood creatinine below 2mg dl. Anemia was defined as Hct 39 in males, and Hct 36 in females.A total of 136 recipients were found to be eligible M F: 92 44, mean age: 3510.6, living cadaver donor: 106 30, mean creatinine: 1.25 + 0.32 mg dl, median post-transplantation time: 41 [3-240] months ; . The investigated contributing factors were age, gender, post-transplantation interval, donor type, the type of immunosuppressive regimen and the use of ACE-I drugs. The values were cross-tabulated by gender, and chi-square test was used for non-parametric values, and Mann-Whitney U test was used for parametric tests. The prevalence of anemia was 32% n 44 ; [male %21 n 23 ; , female %48 n 21 ; ]. The erythrocyte morphology was normocyte in 75% n 33 ; , macrocyte in 16% n 7 ; , microcyte in 9% n 4 ; the cases.

And happy to report no beer or other drugs. Never take aspirin. Aspirin increases the risk of bleeding by inhibiting platelet function. Consult the healthcare team before taking any herbal medicinal supplements or vitamins and so-called natural products sold over the counter. Take care of teeth in order to avoid having drastic dental care as far as possible. See the dentist regularly. The hemophilia treatment centre can recommend dentists who are familiar with coagulation disorders and ramipril.

The fda has not had an opportunity to review the data from the study that was stopped in the depth that merck has, but agrees with the company that there appear to be significant safety concerns for patients, particularly those taking the drug chronically. Nexium Tab 40mg Lansoprazole Cap 30mg E C Gran ; Lansoprazole Cap 15mg E C Gran ; Lansoprazole Gran Sach 30mg Zoton Cap 30mg E C Gran ; Zoton Cap 15mg E C Gran ; Zoton Gran For Susp Sach 30mg Omeprazole Cap E C 20mg Omeprazole Cap E C 40mg Omeprazole Cap E C 10mg Omeprazole Tab Disper 10mg E C Pellets ; Omeprazole Tab Disper 20mg E C Pellets ; Omeprazole Tab Disper 40mg E C Pellets ; Omeprazole Tab 10mg Omeprazole Tab 20mg Omeprazole Tab 40mg Losec Cap E C 20mg Losec Cap E C 40mg Losec Cap E C 10mg Losec MUPS Tab Disper 10mg E C Pellets ; Losec MUPS Tab Disper 20mg E C Pellets ; Losec MUPS Tab Disper 40mg E C Pellets ; Pantoprazole Tab E C 40mg Pantoprazole Tab E C 20mg Protium Tab E C 40mg Protium Tab E C 20mg Rabeprazole Sod Tab E C 10mg Rabeprazole Sod Tab E C 20mg Pariet Tab E C 10mg Pariet Tab E C 20mg Co-Danthramer Susp 25mg 200mg 5ml S F Co-Danthramer Susp 75mg 1g 5ml S F Co-Danthramer Cap 25mg 200mg Co-Danthramer Cap Strong 37.5mg 500mg Bisacodyl Tab E C 5mg Bisacodyl Suppos 5mg.

Reduced in size in I week and are no longer detectable on sigmoidoscopy in 14 days.22'27 A large ameboma may disappear within a few weeks, but, if the process has burrowed deep enough and lasted long enough, the fibrosis cannot be dissolved, although the ragged mass may shrink to become smooth and narrow.24 Surgery may then be indicated for cure.7 Surgery, in general, is dangerous in the untreated patients. However, some amebomas have been resected, in the untreated patients, without complications.' Failure to response to antiamebic therapy should redirect the radiologist's attention to the possibility of other ulcerative diseases of the colon, keeping in mind the possibility of excessive fibrosis due to amebiasis. Sports Medicine Head and neck injuries 46th RACGP Convention Cert in Sexual & Reproductive Health for Medical Practitioners The Eyes and Ears Have It 11th Advanced Course in Obstetrics Maintaining Momentum. Primary Care Mental Health Unit Sports Medicine Common knee problems and management Paediatric Casting Australiasian Society of HIV Medicine Conference 2003 Asthma Update.

Nov 29, 2006 penn state live, omeprazole prilosec, zegerid ; , esomeprazole nexium ; , pantoprazole protonix ; , lansoprazole prevacid ; and rabeprazole aciphex ; are ppis. Chairman of the Company, and one of the founders of the Group. Ms. Li joined the Group in December 1995 and was appointed to the Board in October 2002. Ms. Li is also the Chairman of Dawnrays International Co., Ltd., Suzhou Dawnrays Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Shanghai Dawnrays Chemical Co., Ltd., Suzhou Dawnrays Chemical Co., Ltd. and Dawnrays Pharma Hong Kong ; Ltd., which are all subsidiaries of the Company. She is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. Ms. Li has over twenty years of experience in corporate management, strategic planning, business operations and finance, in particular for pharmaceutical enterprises in the PRC. She is responsible for supervising the strategic management decisions to ensure disciplined corporate governance and business policies, and executing the overall developmental strategies of the Group.

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Correspondence to : : Sinawat S. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand. GERD that is refractory to medical therapy is rare. The diagnosis should be carefully confirmed, preferably with ambulatory pH testing, prior to antireflux surgery. Level of Evidence: IV The vast majority of patients will have their symptoms and mucosal disease controlled with medical therapy for GERD 71 ; . When a patient presents with either typical or atypical symptoms of GERD refractory to therapy, the diagnosis should be reconsidered. This may involve an ambulatory pH study, either on or off therapy, additional endoscopic and manometric evaluations, and consideration of testing and therapeutic trials for other conditions that may produce symptoms similar to GERD. It is also clear that some patients do not respond to traditional, approved doses of PPIs and that increasing the dose and particularly dosing the medication twice daily is appropriate in those patients 78 ; . Refractory GERD is often used as a rationale for antireflux surgery and even for the development of some of the endoscopic techniques. The available data suggest that patients who do the best with surgery are those who previously responded to medical therapy, not the refractory patient 114 ; . The endoscopic techniques have not been adequately studied in patients who are refractory to medications.
5, 5660 either because of the large number of patients studied and the adequate duration of follow-up evaluation, or because of the better quality of pain assessment Table 5 ; . These and other ; series find that short-term pain relief is achieved in about 80% of patients and that the operation can be performed with a very low morbidity and mortality 0%5% ; . Series with long-term follow-up show that pain not uncommonly recurs as time goes by, perhaps related to progression of the pancreatic injury and fibrosis. Pain relief persists for more than 2 years in only 60% of patients.58, 61 Strategies for salvage in patients with persistent or recurrent pain after drainage procedures include reperforming or extending the pancreatojejunostomy and resection procedures.62 Twenty-five percent to 66% of patients undergoing pancreatic duct drainage procedures require concomitant biliary or gastric drainage because of functionally significant obstruction of the bile duct or duodenum.63, 64 Biliary or duodenal strictures have been reported to be more likely in patients with large-duct disease than in their counterparts without dilated ducts.64 The series by Ebbehoj et al., 56 although modest in number, is particularly interesting because it shows a correlation between the magnitude of pain and intrapancreatic pressure. These investigators measured pancreatic pressure by a percutaneously placed needle preoperatively, postoperatively, and 1 year after pancreatic duct drainage. Patients whose pressure decreased after surgery and remained low were pain free, whereas those with recurrent pain had increased pressure. The only reported attempt made to compare pancreatic duct drainage with no intervention in the management of pain is that of Nealon and Thompson.65 In a series of 143 patients with well-documented chronic pancreatitis, 85% of the 87 patients who were treated by pancreatic duct decompression achieved pain relief, whereas pain abated spontaneously in only 1.3% of the 56 nonoperated patients. The study was not randomized, however, and the principal criterion to determine candidacy for the operation was the presence of a dilated pancreatic duct. Thus, what the study actually reports is the outcome of pancreatojejunostomy in patients with dilated ducts vs. the natural history of patients with chronic pancreatitis and no duct dilation. The study also found that deterioration of pancreatic function was slower in their patients with dilated ducts than in those with small ducts. Although this effect was ascribed by the investigators to the protection or relief afforded by the surgical drainage procedure, the cause and effect relationship is uncertain because of the differences in the patient population. The consensus, albeit based on evidence from collected experiences, states that pancreatic duct decompression via. Also, if the medicines are used at or near the same time, they may not work properly.
However a major issue we came across is the lack of evidence of the impact of management development activities on organisational performance CEML, 2002 ; . In a recent survey of companies, 80% of HR participants said their organisation had yet to build frameworks to gauge the impact of management development on their business Staunton and Giles, 2001 ; . Furthermore, despite the increase in management education, a recent UK survey indicated that nearly half of all junior managers rated the quality of leadership in their organisations as poor while only 15% of CEOs or Managing Directors rated the quality of leadership as high Horne and Stedman Jones, 2001 ; . Furthermore, national data from the Workplace Employee Relations Survey 1998 ; shows that employees feel there are still notable skill deficits e.g. 24% of managers were classed as poor at dealing with work problems and 34% as poor at responding to suggestions from employees Tamkin et al., 2002 ; . Inadequate management skills have also been pointed out by other studies as significant contributors to lost working days and poor relative adoption of lean manufacturing practices in the UK EEF, 2001; Proudfoot Consulting, 2002 ; . In summary, the last decade has witnessed increased participation in management education and development activities in the UK but there has been little evidence gathered of the impact of these activities on organisational performance. Current research by Mabey 2002 ; is attempting to track these linkages, but more still needs to be done on this front. There are questions also as to the type of knowledge and skills being taught in business schools and their relevance to the contemporary workplace CEML, 2002 ; . We can particularly consider this with regards to innovation and its management. There is currently very little systematic evidence as to how effectively managers are taught about innovation through either educational e.g. MBAs ; or work-based routes e.g. creativity training ; . There is therefore a pressing need to address this issue of how to develop the right types of skills in the right types of ways for UK managers. One particular study that is ongoing is being conducted by Port et al., 2003 ; and seeks to identify line managerial behaviours that enhance employee innovation. Using data from 389 employees in 6 organisations, initial results indicate that the management behaviours can be structured into four key themes, representing the manager's own innovation level, feedback style, social interaction style, and willingness to empower staff. This on-going research will have implications for line management development and education processes, but work is needed at the higher levels of management, too.

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