

Rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET ; . Sprague-Dawley rats were dosed for 2 years by oral gavage at doses of 0.05, 0.3, and 2 mg kg day highest dose equivalent to approximately 10 and 20 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET for male and female rats, respectively ; . Rosiglitazone was not carcinogenic in the mouse. There was an increase in incidence of adipose hyperplasia in the mouse at doses 1.5 mg kg day approximately 2 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET ; . In rats, there was a significant increase in the incidence of benign adipose tissue tumors lipomas ; at doses 0.3 mg kg day approximately 2 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET ; . These proliferative changes in both species are considered due to the persistent pharmacological overstimulation of adipose tissue. Rosiglitazone was not mutagenic or clastogenic in the in vitro bacterial assays for gene mutation, the in vitro chromosome aberration test in human lymphocytes, the in vivo mouse micronucleus test, and the in vivo in vitro rat UDS assay. There was a small about 2-fold ; increase in mutation in the in vitro mouse lymphoma assay in the presence of metabolic activation. Rosiglitazone had no effects on mating or fertility of male rats given up to 40 mg kg day approximately 116 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET ; . Rosiglitazone altered estrous cyclicity 2 mg kg day ; and reduced fertility 40 mg kg day ; of female rats in association with lower plasma levels of progesterone and estradiol approximately 20 and 200 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET, respectively ; . No such effects were noted at 0.2 mg kg day approximately 3 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET ; . In juvenile rats dosed from 27 days of age through to sexual maturity at up to mg kg day ; , there was no effect on male reproductive performance, or on estrous cyclicity, mating performance or pregnancy incidence in females approximately 68 times human AUC at the maximum recommended daily dose of rosiglitazone ; . In monkeys, rosiglitazone 0.6 and 4.6 mg kg day; approximately 3 and 15 times human AUC at the maximum recommended human daily dose of the rosiglitazone component of AVANDAMET, respectively ; diminished the follicular phase rise in serum estradiol with consequential reduction in the luteinizing hormone surge, lower luteal phase progesterone levels, and amenorrhea. The mechanism for these effects appears to be direct inhibition of ovarian steroidogenesis. Metformin hydrochloride: Long-term carcinogenicity studies have been performed in rats dosing duration of 104 weeks ; and mice dosing duration of 91 weeks ; at doses up to and including 900 mg kg day and 1, 500 mg kg day, respectively. These doses are both approximately 4 times the maximum recommended human daily dose of 2, 000 mg of the metformin component of AVANDAMET based on body surface area comparisons. No evidence of carcinogenicity with metformin was found in either male or female mice. Similarly, there was no tumorigenic 23.

Home • about formulary • contact us • previous issues • advertise with us • supplements • mediwire search inappropriate metformin use is common in hospitalized patients jul 1, 2003 formulary new orleans, la­ metformin use in hospitalized patients is inappropriate more than one-third of the time, according to a chart review presented by peter dumo, pharmd, at the american diabetes association's 63rd scientific sessions in new orleans. Antihyperglycemic medications it is unique, unlike the sulfonlyureas such as Diabinese it does not cause hypoglycemia, weight gain, unfavorable alteration of lipids, nor increase insulin secretion. Unlike thiazolidinediones such as Avandia it does not cause weight gain, fluid retention, or potential idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity. Instead, metformin improves the effectiveness of insulin while maintaining or even decreasing insulin levels. It decreases both basal and postprandial glucose levels, without the danger of hypoglycemia. Metformin promotes weight loss and favorable changes in the lipid profile. All of these effects are beneficial to women with type 2 diabetes. Metformin's unique properties have already established it as the initial medication of choice for type 2 diabetes treatment and produced many studies advocating other possible indications: Metformin may decrease the progression from IGT to type 2 diabetes. In a prospective RCT, 3, 234 women with IGT were followed for an average of 2.8 years. With placebo treatment, 11% per year progressed to type 2 diabetes. With a weight loss and exercise program, 4.8% per year progressed a 58% improvement vs. placebo ; . With metformin treatment, 7.8% per year progressed a 31% improvement vs. placebo ; 11 ; . Weight loss and exercise remains the best hedge against developing IGT or type 2 diabetes. The usefulness of metformin treatment in women simply with PCOS to prevent the development of IGT or type 2 diabetes is unknown. In women with PCOS, three randomized, placebo controlled trials found metformin plus clomiphene to be more effective than clomiphene alone in ovulation induction. Metformin may also improve the quality of ovulation induced by recombinant FSH administration. Sustained metformin administration may establish regular menses in women with PCOS 12 ; . Metformin may decrease the miscarriage risk associated with PCOS. These findings are preliminary, based on two small studies. PCOS is not associated with the most incessant forms of recurrent miscarriage. One small study found metformin may also decrease the incidence of gestational diabetes in PCOS women. The safety of metformin use in pregnancy has not been established 13, 14 ; . Preliminary studies of metformin's effectiveness as a treatment for hirsutism have been mixed. Metformin is chemically related to phenformin, which was withdrawn from the US market in 1976 because of a high association with lactic acidosis. With normal metformin dosing and normal renal function, development of lactic acidosis is very rare. It is prudent to verify a normal serum creatinine level before starting metformin and to stop metformin treatment before conditions of relative renal compromise such as the administration of IV iodinated contrast agents and during fluid restriction. Cationic medications, such as cimetidine, compete with metformin for renal clearance thus increasing the risk of lactic acidosis. Other contraindications to metformin are liver dysfunction, excessive alcohol intake, and severe illness. The main side effects of metformin are GI: diarrhea, nausea. These effects can be mitigated by taking metformin with food and slowly building up to the target dosage of 1, 500 to 2, 000 mg total per day.
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Industrial Research, India. References 1. Hurry DJ, Tovey JE, Robinson DA, et al. in normal and cornplicated pregnancies. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 79, 788-793 1972 ; . 2. Petnicco OM, Cellier K, Fishtail A. Diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation by serial serum oxytocinase, urinary oestrogen and serum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase HSAP ; estimations in uncomplicated and hypertensive pregnancies. Ibid. 80, 499-507 1973 ; . 3. Chapman L, Burrows-Peakin R, Rege VP, Silk E. Serum cystine aminopeptidase and the small-for-dates baby in hypertenCystine aminopeptidase 1115.
Mals with globin gene structure and function that is similar to humans ; and in a patient with fl-thalassemia.' Furthermore, this drug has been shown to activate a variety of repressed genes in tissue culture cells6 ciated cells and indocin. Been associated with fluid retention, weight gain and peripheral oedema. This increase in body weight and oedema has been associated with heart failure 10 ; . It interest to investigate whether it is possible to identify patients at risk of developing fluid retention associated with TZD-treatment. The concentration of Brain Natriuretic Peptide BNP ; increases with left ventricular overload and has been proposed as a possible indicator of fluid retention 11-13 ; . Both BNP and Nt-proBNP are elevated in early left ventricular systolic as well as in diastolic dysfunction 14, 15 ; . Nt-proBNP is a split product from the BNP that is more stable and should be preferred as a surrogate marker for left ventricular dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of adding pioglitazone to treatment with metformin and insulin secretagogues in patients with T2D and inadequate glycaemic control as well as the safety regarding the possible fluid retention with this regimen. Efficacy was defined as percentage of patients achieving treatment goals of HbA1c 6.5%. As pioglitazone is supposed to primarily influence insulin sensitivity we used serum adiponectin concentrations as a surrogate measure of insulin sensitivity 16 ; . Pro-insulin concentrations were measured to obtain insight into how therapy influenced beta cell function. Nt-pro BNP was measured as a cardiac marker, cystatin C to estimate GFR and haemoglobin in all together to assess a possible sub-clinical fluid retention.

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American Diabetes Association. Summary of Revisions for the 2004 Clinical Practice Recommendations. Diabetes Care 2004; 27: Supplement 1-142. Online. 2 The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Medical Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: The AACE System of Intensive Diabetes Self-Management-2002 Update. Developed by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology-2002. online ; 3 Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT ; NIH Publication No. 02-3874 October 2001. online. 4 UK Prospective Diabetes Study UKPDS ; Group. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulfonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes UKPDS 33 ; . Lancet 1998; 352: 837-53. Drug Facts and Comparisons p.301. 6 AHFS Drug Information 2004. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 7 Riometpackage insert Gloversville, NY: Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals. May 2004. 8 AHFS Drug Information 2004. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 9 Drug Facts and Comparisons p.304. 10 AHFS Drug Information 2004. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 11 Drug Facts and Comparisons p.304. 12 Scwartz S, Sievers R, Strange P, et al. Insulin 70 30 mix plus metformin versus triple therapy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes after failure of two oral drugs: efficacy, safety, and cost analysis. Diabetes Care 2003 Aug 13 DeFranzo R, Goodman A. Efficacy of Metformin in Patients with Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. NEJM 1995 Aug; 333: 541-549. 14 Abbasi F, Chu JW, McLaughlin T, et al. Effect of metformin treatment on multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism. 2004 Feb; 53 2 ; : 159-164. 15 Hoolenbeck CB, Johnston P, Varasteh BB, et al. Effects of metformin on glucose, insulin and lipid metabolism in patients with mild hypertriglyceridemia, and non-insulin dependent diabetes by glucose tolerance test criteria. Diabete Metab. 1991 Sep-Oct; 17 5 ; : 483-489. 16 AHFS Drug Information2004 17 Drug Facts and Comparisons p. 287. 18 AHFS Drug Information 2004. 19 Drug Facts and Comparisons p. 289. 20 Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT ; NIH Publication No. 02-3874 October 2001. online. 21 Svenson M, Eriksson JW, Dahlquist G. Early glycemic control, age at onset, and development of microvascular complications in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: A population-based study in northern Sweden. Diabetes Care Apr 2004; 27 4 ; : 955-962. 22 Wang F, Carbino JM, Vergara CM. Insulin glargine: a systemic review of a long-acting insulin analogue. Clin Ther. 2003 Jun; 25 6 ; : 1541-1577, discussion 1539-40. 23 Gale EA. A randomized, controlled trial comparing insuling lispro with human soluble insulin in patients with Type 1 diabetes on intensified insulin therapy. The UK Trial Group. Diabet. Med 2000 Mar; 17 3 ; : 209-14. 24 Murray L, Senior Editor. Package inserts. In: Physicians' Desk Reference Edition 58, 2004. Thompson PDR. Montavale, NJ. 2004. 25 AHFS Drug Information 2004. 26 Drug Facts and Comparisons p. 305. 27 Drug Facts and Comparisons p. 307b 28 Drug Facts and Comparisons p. 307a 29 Rosenstock J, Hassman DR, Madder RD, et al. Repaglinide versus nateglinide monotherapy: a randomized, multicenter study. Diabetes Care. 2004 Jun; 27 6 ; : 1265-70. 30 Moses R. Repaglinide in combination therapy with metformin in Type 2 diabetes. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 1999; 107 Suppl 4: S136-9. 31 Furlong NJ, Hulme SA, O'Brien SV, et al. Repaglinide versus metformin in combination with bedtime NPH insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes established on insulin metformin combination therapy. Diabetes Care. 2002 Oct; 25 10 ; : 1685-90. 32 Madsbad S, Kilhovd B, Lager I, et al. Comparison between repaglinide and glipizide in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 1-year multicenter study. Diabet Med. 2001 May; 185 5 ; : 395-401 and letrozole. Basic Dialysis Transient Overexpression of TGF- 1 Induces Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in the Rodent Peritoneum Getting a Molecular Grasp on Peritoneal Membrane Failure. A major limitation of long-term peritoneal dialysis is the gradual decline in peritoneal membrane efficiency due to progressive membrane sclerosis. Although several risk factors have been identified, such as episodes of peritonitis and use of acidic and hypertonic dialysate solutions, the cellular and molecular events that underlie peritoneal sclerosis are unclear. A potential role for TGF- 1 seems logical given its central role in all other fibrotic processes. In this issue of JASN, Margetts et al. pages 425 436 ; study the consequences of transient intraperitoneal expression of TGF- 1 induced by gene transfer in rats. Peritoneal fibrosis was evident within four days. The central finding in this study was the transformation of normal peritoneal mesothelial cells into matrixproducing myofibroblasts. These transformed cells were thought to migrate across damaged basement membranes into the submesothelial layer in association with increased levels of MMP-2, a matrix-degrading metalloproteinase. The process of TGF- 1-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition EMT ; explains at least one pathway by which intrinsic mesothelial cells become active participants in the process of peritoneal sclerosis. Equally notable, upon termination of TGF- 1 production, EMT and fibrosis appear to resolve. The present study provides further support for the hypothesis that TGF- 1 and its ability to recruit peritoneal membrane myofibroblasts via EMT are important in the pathogenesis of peritoneal membrane failure. An instrumentation system on a tablet press is not a one size fits all and levocetirizine.

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To submit an oral presentation or poster presentation, e-mail information to dlr iastate Wild West Veterinary Conference, Reno, NV. 1-800-775-7062 or 916 ; 723-9920, wwvc 4arc , wildwestvc The International Society for Animal Hygiene's 2004 International Congress, Saint-Malo, France. zoopole ispaia isah2004 Quebec Veterinary Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC. 450 ; 774-1427, omvq omvq.qc , omvq.qc Bovine Reproductive Ultrasound Classes for Veterinarians Classroom discussion and Wet lab ; , Cortland, New York. Contact Jill Colloton 715 ; 352-2232, colloton dwave , bovineservices 10th Great Lakes Dairy Sheep Symposium, Hudson, WI. cals.wisc ccs PDF%20Files Sheepsymp For registration questions, contact CALS Conference Services at 608 ; 263-1672. For all other questions about the Symposium, contact Lorraine Toman at the Spooner Ag Research Station 715 ; 635-3735. Food Animal Medicine Conference, Bovine Respiratory Diseases and Antimicrobial Use, The Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital, Columbus, OH Dr. Walter Threlfall 614 ; 292-8727, vet.ohio-state ce and lopid. Critical review and synthesis of information Limited evidence relating to the clinical effectiveness of pioglitazone is available in the public domain. There are no full study reports published in English which have gone through the peer-review process. Indeed, the only published evidence that the authors of this report were able to find consisted of a number of conference abstracts, clinical trial reports in a Japanese journal in Japanese, with no readily available English translation ; and the medical and statistical reviews undertaken by the US Food and Drug Administration, which are available on their website. These reviews relate to the same clinical trials as are reported in the abstracts. The peer review status of the Japanese journal is not clear, given that it publishes all clinical trials undertaken in Japan. The submission received from Takeda UK included further details relating to these studies and, also, synopses of other studies carried out in Europe. Nevertheless, what evidence is available does indicate that pioglitazone is effective at reducing blood glucose in patients with Type 2 diabetes which is poorly controlled, both when used in monotherapy and, also, when used in combination with metformin, sulphonylurea or insulin. Clinical effect size. Even in cases with metformin, she says she has better results when in conjunction with estradiol and lopressor. 62 male, new onset atrial fib X 1 week Hx: htn, dm, NO cad stroke TIA Meds: diltiazem, metformin P E: HR 88, irreg irreg, BP 132 84, no signs CHF, no murmurs Want any tests? How would you Rx him?. Under the U.S.-Israel Tax Treaty, the maximum Israeli tax and withholding tax on dividends paid to a holder of ordinary shares or ADRs who is a resident of the United States is generally 25%, but is reduced to 12.5% if the dividends are paid to a corporation that holds in excess of 10% of the voting rights of Teva during Teva's taxable year preceding the distribution of the dividend and the portion of Teva's taxable year in which the dividend was distributed. Dividends of an Israeli company derived from the income of an Approved Enterprise will still be subject to a 15% dividend withholding tax; if the dividend is attributable partly to income derived from an Approved Enterprise, and partly to other sources of income, the withholding rate will be a blended rate reflecting the relative portions of the two types of income. The withheld tax is the final tax in Israel on dividends paid to non-residents who do not conduct a business in Israel. The current rate of tax withheld on the dividend is 18.5%. A non-resident of Israel who has interest or dividend income derived from or accrued in Israel, from which tax was withheld at the source, is generally exempt from the duty to file tax returns in Israel in respect of such income, provided such income was not derived from a business conducted in Israel by the taxpayer. Capital Gains and Income Taxes Applicable to Non-Israeli Shareholders Israeli law generally imposes a capital gains tax on the sale of securities and any other capital asset. The basic capital gains tax rate applicable to corporations effective until December 31, 2002 had been 36%, and the maximum tax rate for individuals was 50%. Effective January 1, 2003, the capital gains tax rate imposed upon sale of capital assets acquired after that date was reduced to 25%; capital gains realized from assets acquired before that date are subject to a blended tax rate based on the relative periods of time before and after that date that the asset was held. In addition, if the ordinary shares are traded on a recognized stock exchange including the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and NASDAQ ; , gains on the sale of ordinary shares held by non-Israeli tax resident investors will generally be exempt from Israeli capital gains tax. Notwithstanding the foregoing, dealers in securities in Israel are taxed at regular tax rates applicable to business income. The U.S.-Israeli Tax Treaty exempts U.S. residents who hold an interest of less than 10% in an Israeli company, including Teva, and who held an interest of less than 10% during the 12 months prior to a sale of their shares, from Israeli capital gains tax in connection with such sale. Certain other tax treaties to which Israel is a party also grant exemptions from Israeli capital gains taxes. Tax Reform Legislation In July 2002, the Israeli Parliament approved a law introducing extensive changes to Israel's tax law generally effective January 1, 2003. Among the key provisions of this reform legislation are 1 ; changes which may result in the imposition of taxes on dividends received by an Israeli company from its foreign subsidiaries; and 2 ; the introduction of the controlled foreign corporation concept according to which an Israeli company may become subject to Israeli taxes on certain income of a non-Israeli subsidiary if the subsidiary's primary source of income is passive income such as interest, dividends, royalties, rental income or capital gains ; . An Israeli company that is subject to Israeli taxes on the income of its non-Israeli subsidiaries will receive a credit for income taxes paid by the subsidiary in its country of residence. 93 and lotrimin. Author information: Pete Ellis, Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Wellington South; Roger Mulder, Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Christchurch; Richard Porter, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Christchurch Correspondence: Professor Pete Ellis, Department of Psychological Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, PO Box 7343, Wellington South. Fax: 04 ; 385 5877; email: pete.ellis References. Examination of careful hand biological health contingent and metrogel and metformin.

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The endocrine-metabolic hallmarks of polycystic ovary syndrome are hyperinsulinism, hyperandrogenism, dyslipidemia, and anovulation. We hypothesized that dyslipidemia and anovulation in nonobese women with polycystic ovary syndrome are essentially secondary to the concerted effects of hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the efficacy of antiandrogen flutamide ; or insulin-sensitizing metformin ; monotherapy to that of combined therapy in normalizing the endocrine-metabolic and anovulatory status of nonobese, young women with hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism. Thirty-one young women mean age, 18.7 yr; body mass index, 21.9 kg m2; hirsutism score, 16; monthly ovulation rate monitored by weekly serum progesterone, 10% ; were randomly assigned to receive once daily flutamide 250 mg; n 10 ; , metformin 1275 mg; n 8 ; , or combined flutamidemetformin therapy n 13 ; for 9 months. At baseline, there were no endocrine-metabolic differences among treatment groups. Compared with monotherapy, combined flutamidemetformin therapy resulted in greater improvements in insulin sensitivity, in testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and triglyceride levels, and in lowdensity lipoprotein high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio all P 0.005 ; . Monthly ovulation rates increased after 9 months to 75 and 92%, respectively, with metformin alone or with combined therapy, but were unimproved with flutamide alone. All treatments were well tolerated. In conclusion, combined anti-androgen and insulin-sensitizing treatment in young, nonobese women with hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism had additive benefits on insulin sensitivity, hyperandrogenemia, and dyslipidemia. The data from this small study suggest that dyslipidemia is secondary to excess androgen action in concert with the hyperinsulinemia associated with insulin resistance. In contrast, anovulation seems to be mainly attributable to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87: 2870 2874 and mobic.

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We prospectively studied 41 subjects, 20 postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes and hypertension DM-HRT group ; and 21 postmenopausal women who were glucose-tolerant but hypertensive HT-HRT group ; . Diabetes was diagnosed using the criteria of the World Health Organization World Health Organization, 1980 ; at least 2 years before entering the study. In order to maintain their glucose levels in an acceptable range, women with type 2 diabetes were on dietary management alone two patients ; or taking oral antidiabetic drugs that consisted of metformin and sulfonylureas 18 patients ; . Each diabetic patient received a diabetic diet with 30% of total calories as fat, `10% saturated fat, `10% monounsaturated fat and `10% polyunsaturated fat. The women were instructed not to change their diet. None of them were taking insulin. All women took a calcium channel blocker amlodipine 510 mg day ; as an anti-hypertensive drug. Amlodipine, which has no signicant effect on lipid metabolism, was prescribed at least 3 months before the study. None of the women were taking anti-lipidaemic, corticosteroid or anti-convulsant therapy. The anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive medications were left unchanged during the study. Menopause was conrmed by the absence of menstruation for at least 12 months and by high serum levels of FSH 30 mIU ml ; and low serum levels of estradiol E2 ; 20pg ml ; . The subjects had not received HRT previously. Gynaecological examination, comprising endometrial biopsy and mammogram, were normal in all subjects. All study subjects received 12 weeks of transdermal continuous 17b-estradiol 0.05 mg day ; with transdermal sequential norethisterone acetate NETA ; 0.25 mg day Estracombi TTS, Novartis, Switzerland ; . This work was approved by the local medical ethics committee and all participants gave informed consent before the onset of study. All metabolic and physical examinations were performed at the onset of the study and then again after 12 weeks of receiving HRT. Blood pressure was measured with a mercury sphygmomanometer during two clinical evaluations by an average of three measurements taken in the sitting position before the morning dose of the antihypertensive therapy. On the fourth day of the third hormonal cycle in the estrogen only phase ; blood samples were taken after a 10 h fast and serum total cholesterol total cholesterol ; , triglyceride TG ; , high density cholesterol HDL-cholesterol ; , VLDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein A1 Apo-A1 ; , apolipoprotein B Apo-B ; , serum creatinine sCr ; , urine creatinine uCr ; , 24 h urine protein, fructosamine, HbA1c and glucose levels were determined in an Hitachi 911 automated analyser by using commercial kits supplied from Roche Diagnostics. Low-density cholesterol LDL cholesterol ; levels were calculated by using Friedewald's formula. Serum CRP was turbidimetrically determined by clinical chemistry system SPACE, Schiapparelli Biosystems, Netherlands ; , which gives a quantitative result. For biochemical measurements, the intra-assay coefcients of variation CV ; values ranged between 0.8 2.1%, and the between-run CV values ranged between 1.22.7.
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Korner, W., Vinggaard, A. M., Terouanne, B., Ma, R., Wieloch, C., Schlumpf, M., Sultan, C., and Soto, A. M. 2004 ; . Interlaboratory comparison of four in vitro assays for assessing androgenic and antiandrogenic activity of environmental chemicals. Environ. Health Perspect. 112, 695-702 and ilosone.

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