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Drug Tradename Drug type Monoclonal Antibody Originator Human Genome Sciences Partner Mechanism Disease Phase1 Route Other Indications2 Notes LymphoStat-B has received a Fast Track Product designation from the FDA for use in SLE and has been selected for inclusion in the FDA's Continuous Marketing Application Pilot 2 Program Amgen licensed LymphoCide in 2000 but returned rights in 2004. NHL was dropped as an indication due to too much competition in this market. A clinical hold was introduced in 2006 due to concerns expressed by UCB about the sterility of Immunomedics manufacturing plant. In 2001 Genelabs received a non-approvable letter from the FDA, followed by an approvable letter in 2002. Approval was dependent on an additional clinical trial to ascertain efficacy. In 2006 the FDA requested that Genelabs carry out a further phase III clinical trial to support an indication for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of lupus. The FDA also stated that additional positive prospective phase III clinical trial data would be necessary before the FDA would consider reviewing an NDA for BMD in lupus. The company states that it "is in the process of designing a clinical trial protocol for an additional study, although the company does not believe that it will conduct the study on its own." Since no partners have been announced in the last year the future development of this drug seems uncertain. Multiple Sclerosis Phase II III ; ANCA-associated vasculitis Phase II III ; Arthritis Launched ; Lymphoma Launched ; Rheumatoid Arthritis Phase III ; Multiple Sclerosis Phase II ; Rheumatoid Arthritis Launched ; Ulcerative Colitis Phase III ; Crohn's Disease Phase III.

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