

Suitable antibacterial agents include acrosoxacin, amifloxacin, amoxycillin, ampicillin, aspoxicillin, azidocillin, azithromycin, aztreonam, balofloxacin, benzylpenicillin, biapenem, brodimoprim, cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefatrizine, cefcapene, cefdinir, cefetamet, cefmetazole, cefprozil, cefroxadine, ceftibuten, cefuroxime, cephalexin, cephalonium, cephaloridine, cephamandole, cephazolin, cephradine, chlorquinaldol, chlortetracycline, ciclacillin, cinoxacin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, clavulanic acid, clindamycin, clofazimine, cloxacillin, danofloxacin, dapsone, demeclocycline, dicloxacillin, difloxacin, doxycycline, enoxacin, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, fleroxacin, flomoxef, flucloxacillin, flumequine, fosfomycin, isoniazid, levofloxacin, mandelic acid, mecillinam, metronidazole, minocycline, mupirocin, nadifloxacin, nalidixic acid, nifuirtoinol, nitrofurantoin, nitroxoline, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, oxytetracycline, panipenem, pefloxacin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, pipemidic acid, piromidic acid, pivampicillin, pivmecillinam, prulifloxacin, rufloxacin, sparfloxacin, sulbactam, sulfabenzamide, sulfacytine, sulfametopyrazine, sulphacetamide, sulphadiazine, sulphadimidine, sulphamethizole, sulphamethoxazole, sulphanilamide, sulphasomidine, sulphathiazole, temafloxacin, tetracycline, tetroxoprim, tinidazole, tosufloxacin, trimethoprim and salts or esters thereof.

Glycopeptides: vancomycin and teicoplanin; aminoglycosides: amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, netilmicin and tobramycin; macrolides: erythromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin, dirithromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin, josamycin.
In 1936, the modern age of medicines began with the first recorded use of prontosil, an industrial dye and precursor to sulfa drugs, to cure a staph infection. Since then, new classes of antiinfective drugs have been developed continually -- sulfonamides and penicillins in the 1940s, tetracyclines and macrolides in the 1950s, cephalosporins and quinolones in the 1960s, fluoroquinolones in the 1980s, and oxazolidinones in the 1990s. As bacteria develop resistance, research focuses on developing even more anti-infective drug classes as well as on improving available anti-infective agents. To help combat resistance, the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine ACP-ASIM ; issued new guidelines discouraging the use of antibiotics for most respiratory infections, which are mainly viral and do not respond to antibiotics. Delaying the start of antibiotic treatment for sinusitis has also been recommended. In related research, several studies during the year showed that older drugs like amoxicillin and erythromycin are equally as effective as newer, more expensive antibiotics in treating ear infections and common respiratory tract infections, such as sinusitis. Other studies show that short-term treatments can reduce the spread of resistance while alleviating the symptoms of bacterial infection as well as older, longer regimens. ArestinTM minocycline ; was approved in March 2001 for the treatment of periodontitis in adults. A new "microsphere" formulation of a tetracycline that has been in use for many years, ArestinTM is applied directly to infected gums after dental work. The anthrax threat after the September 11 terrorist attacks focused attention on bioterrorism using infective agents. Although anthrax got the most publicity, the public also became much more aware of possible contamination with smallpox, botulinum and other bacteria. One result was a temporary and regional run on antibiotics as some people tried to stock up. Manufacturers of certain anti-infective agents have scaled up production, and research for new indications and new anti-infectives has also been accelerated. A priority review for the biological agent, Xigris drotrecogin alpha, activated ; formerly designated Zovant, was approved in November by the FDA. The intravenous drug will be used only in hospitals to treat sepsis. At the time of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., Cipro ciprofloxacin ; was the only fluoroquinolone FDA-approved for treating inhalation anthrax. Since then, the makers of the fluoroquinolones Levaquin levofloxacin ; , Tequin gatifloxacin ; and Trovan trovafloxacin ; , and the macrolide Zithromax azithromycin ; have approached the FDA about approval for their products in treating anthrax. Labeling for a tetracycline, Vibramycin doxycycline ; , was changed in November to reflect its original 1967 approval to treat inhaled anthrax.

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Annese V, Janssens J, Vantrappen G, Tack J, Peeters TL, Willemse P and Van Cutsem E 1992 ; Erythromycin accelerates gastric emptying by inducing antral contractions and improved gastroduodenal coordination. Gastroenterology 102: 823 828. Bolin DW, King RP and Klosterman EW 1952 ; A simplified method for the determination of chromic oxide Cr2O3 ; when used as an index substance. Science Wash DC ; 116: 634 635. Brogna A, Ferrara R, Scornavacca G, Lombardo A, Bucceri A, Catalano F, Paradisi V and Onorato S 1989 ; Cisapride and gastric emptying of a solid meal in dyspeptic diabetics without neuropathy and in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 37: 411 413. Camilleri M, Colemont LJ, Phillips SF, Brown ML, Thomforde GM, Chapman N and Zinsmeister AR 1989 ; Human gastric emptying and colonic filling of solids characterized by a new method. J Physiol 257: G284 G290. Carlson RG, Hocking MP, Courington KR, Sninsky CA and Vogel SB 1991 ; Eryth. Virginia will receive nearly $ 3 million to fund health-care fraud investigations and million to fund a prescription drug monitoring program.

6 erythromycin shortens orocaecal transit time in diabetic male subjects: a double-blind placebo-controlled study and exelon. It doesn't matter whether the addictive substance or behavior is legal or illegal, all addictions are basically the same: an uncontrollable urge to do something or consume something, regardless of the harm it causes. When you take drugs or drink alcohol or engage in certain activities, your brain releases chemicals called neurotransmitters that create a wave of positive feelings ranging from pleasure to invincibility. The brain and body enjoy those sensations so much that they "demand" them again, by creating a craving for the same substance or behavior. But this time, it'll take a little bit more to get the same rush. Over a very short period of time, the neurotransmitters actually make permanent changes to the structure of the brain. Satisfying the cravings becomes more and more important, and not satisfying them causes physical pain. The consequences can be devastating to the addict, his family, his friends and his community. Relationships are destroyed, life savings are spent, people end up in prison, and lives are lost. Men are five times more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol than women. Of course, not everyone who tries a particular drug or engages in risky behavior becomes an addict. But in many cases even one time use can be harmful or even deadly. Let's take a look at several of the most common--and most harmful--abused substances. The big three--tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse--are responsible for one in four deaths in this country.
Nuwayhid SJ, and Werling LL 2003 ; Sigma 1 receptor agonist - mediated regulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate-stimulated [3H]dopamine release is dependent upon protein kinase C. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 304: 364-369 and floxin. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD ; is characterised by airway inflammation and airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. It is a progressive, disabling disease with serious complications and exacerbations that are major burdens for healthcare systems. Small-airway narrowing with or without chronic bronchitis ; and emphysema caused by smoking are the common conditions resulting in COPD. Chronic bronchitis is daily sputum production for at least three months of two or more consecutive years. Emphysema is a pathological diagnosis, and consists of alveolar dilatation and destruction. Breathlessness with exertion, chest tightness and wheeze are the results of airway narrowing and impaired gas exchange. The loss of lung elastic tissue in emphysema may result in airway wall collapse during expiration, leading to dynamic hyperinflation and consequent increased work of breathing. The irreversible component of airflow limitation is the end result of inflammation, fibrosis and remodelling of peripheral airways. Airflow limitation leads to non-homogeneous ventilation, while alveolar wall destruction and changes in pulmonary vessels reduce the surface area available for gas exchange. In advanced COPD there is a severe mismatching of ventilation and perfusion leading to hypoxaemia. Hypercapnia is a late manifestation and is caused by a reduction in ventilatory drive. Pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale are also late manifestations, and reflect pulmonary vasoconstriction due to hypoxia in poorly ventilated lung, vasoconstrictor peptides produced by inflammatory cells and vascular remodelling. 7 The clinical features and pathophysiology of COPD can overlap with asthma, as most COPD patients have some reversibility of airflow limitation with bronchodilators. By contrast, some non-smokers with chronic asthma develop irreversible airway narrowing. The overlap between chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma and their relationship to airflow obstruction and COPD are illustrated in Box 2. Patients with chronic bronchiolitis. We have shown that we can formulate cyclosporin and amphotericin B for intravenous administrations. By formulating cyclosporin and amphotericin B in the HydroPlexTM platform, we demonstrate that the applicability of this technology extends beyond the field of oncology. The longevity of the HydroPlexTM formulation in circulation is most likely achieved by minimizing opsonisation, i.e. adsorption of certain blood proteins that promote removal of the particles from circulation. It has been demonstrated by many laboratories that a small particle diameter with a protective layer of hydrophilic polymer, specifically polyethylene glycol, minimises interactions with blood opsonins i.e., exhibit stealthlike behaviour ; and effectively increases circulation time of such a delivery system, Kadota et al., 1994; Nay et al., 1997 ; HydroPlexTM particles are formulated to include both high polyethylene glycol content and small diameter requirements. To explain the observed prolonged action of the encapsulated drug we postulate a slow drug release from the polymeric matrix, or a depot-like action. In this model, the hydrophobic drug slowly partitions from the HydroPlexTM nanoparticle into the cellular membranes of the tumour interstitium to finally reach its intracellular target. This slow process avoids sudden bursts of free drug concentration in the circulation; therefore a less frequent dosing can be matched to the usually narrow therapeutic window of oncologic agents. The ability to deliver higher doses of drugs while retaining their efficacy translates into an improved therapeutic index of drug formulated in HydroPlexTM nanoparticles. Appearance: Visibly free of particles. Translucent material with bluish tint in scattered light. No birefringent objects under polarized microscopy. Particle Size: Particle size distribution determined by dynamic light scattering. The particles are in 4070 nm range. Drug Concentration: 712 mg ml of paclitaxel can be loaded as determined by HPLC and fluoxetine.
Inj. Flucloxacillin 500 mg ; 6th hourly IV OR Tab. Cephalexin 250 - 500 mg ; 6th hourly OR Tab. Erythromycin 500 mg ; 6th hourly.

Table 3. Thermodynamic changes during the sorption of erythromycin A on clays and metformin.

Dr. Marcus is Associate Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Neurology, and Director, Multidisciplinary Headache Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA.

The study was an international collaboration between researchers at the school of medicine, merck and co inc, university of tokyo, harvard medical school, university of tennessee at memphis, and the leuven and flanders interuniversity institute for biotechnology in belgium and ilosone.
Drug interactions allopurinol, nonselective beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, cimetidine, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, disulfiram, ephedrine, influenza virus vaccine, interferon, macrolide antibiotics eg, erythromycin ; , mexiletine, quinolone antibiotics eg, ciprofloxacin ; , thyroid hormones increase theophylline levels.

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Terrorised everyone he met. He was eventually captured by Tim and five other men, who trapped him with a rope, tarpaulin and blankets. He was given a tranquilliser and returned to some form of lucidity the next morning. Another casualty, however, went into an almost catatonic state and remained like that for many days. Tim went through this man's wallet and found several US government identity cards that attested to high-level clearance. When the airline refused to allow him to fly back to the United States in his catatonic state, Tim sent a wire to the US Defence Department. It read, `Your agent Duane Marvy is in the Chapultepec Mental Hospital, Mexico City.'7 Then Leary returned to America in order to plan his next move. His first exposure to the dangers of the drug had in no way dampened his enthusiasm for it. By now IF-IF had a head office in a medical centre in Boston, which boasted the wonderful address of Zero Emerson Place. The first issue of their journal the Psychedelic Review8 had been published and was a great success. It had a circulation of around 4000 copies, the majority coming from subscriptions. Tim, Richard and Ralph also completed their psychedelic reinterpretation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which was published as The Psychedelic Experience. This was intended as a manual or a guide to navigate the realms of inner space, and emphasised the similarities between an LSD trip and the Tibetan description of the soul's journey after death. IF-IF was clearly a productive organisation and could hardly be considered a failure, but it still had not managed to found a retreat or a centre to which people could come for a safe, guided psychedelic session. Tim set off to Dominica, on an ultimately futile journey to seek a suitable location in the Caribbean. That he was starting to become a little desperate was shown in his attempts to settle here, for he considered the location to be far from the idyllic paradise demanded by the laws of set and setting. At night the black sands and thick jungle seemed oppressive and sinister. The island was poverty-stricken and dependent for survival on the foreign corporations that ran the banana industry. Initial approaches to the island's officials were highly favourable, however, until a sudden change of mind further up the chain of command led to being told to leave. Tim has claimed that this was because of an approach to the island's governor by the CIA. He left the and indocin. I could still feel bumps under my skin, it's just that the erythromycin kept the bumps from turning into bigger bumps.

Check results prior to the issuing of further prescriptions Start dose 2.5mg kg per day and be given in two divided daily doses. Increase dose slowly after six weeks. Clinical response should be within three months, when effective dose has been established. This is done within the secondary setting. ; Several important drug interactions include, erythromycin, ketoconazole, calcium channel blockers except nifedipine ; , aminoglycocides, amphotericin b, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim, can affect certain oral contraceptives. Check BNF before co prescribing. Teratogenic effects Patient to avoid grapefruit juice and grapefruit. The drug is available in capsules or solution. The taste of the liquid can be improved by dilution with orange juice, squash or apple juice The drug can effect the clearance of steroids and non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs so great care should be taken monitoring the renal function No live vaccines should be given whilst on this therapy and other vaccinations may be less effective and isordil.

Osmotic pumps Model 2001D, Alza Corporation, Mountain View, CA ; were filled with 200 l formoterol Yamanouchi ; or saline and implanted subcutaneously into the backs of mice on day 15 of gestation, under ether anaesthesia. The osmotic pumps injected drug solution with a pumping rate of 7.9 l h-1 for 24 h. A. Delta Contractor 1 Table Saw w mobile base, 11 2 hp dust chute, solid brass pulleys, twist a belt included. Good condition 0. Daniel Jackson 516-798-0383 and letrozole. Done site a 14 hours ago - report it 0 0 report it by sami 14 hours ago answer hidden due to its low rating show total rating: 0 0 0 open questions in medicine where do paramedics work.
Give IV fluids if necessary to maintain hydration patients with fever have higher than normal insensible losses and may not drink enough to cover them. If no features of severe pneumonia exist, give oral antibiotics. Ensure blood cultures have been sent. Check with your local antibiotic policy; amoxicillin 500 mg three times per day plus a macrdicle use erythromycin 500 mg four times per day if penicillin allergic ; is a good starting point. If any features of severity are present, call your senior. Give intravenous antibiotics e.g. IV co-amoxiclav 1.2 g or cefuroxime 750 mg 8-hourly; check your local prescribing policy ; and treatment with a macrolide erythromycin or clarithromycin IV ; . Check the ECG. If the patient is in AF atrial flutter, load with digoxin for rate control see `Arrhythmias', p. ; . The AF often resolves with treatment of the underlying infection and levocetirizine and erythromycin. Type 2 diabetes BoD Health System Productivity Carers DWL Other indirect Transfers Total financial Total inc. BoD CVD BoD Health System Productivity Carers DWL Other indirect Transfers Total financial Total inc. BoD Osteoarthritis BoD Health System Productivity Carers DWL Other indirect Transfers Total financial Total inc. BoD Cancer BoD Health System Productivity Carers DWL Other indirect Transfers Total financial Total inc. BoD Total BoD Health System Productivity Carers DWL Other indirect Transfers Total financial Total inc. BoD. Locomotor-stimulating Experiment 3 ; effects were apparent as soon as the cataleptic effect had dissipated. Atropine methyl nitrate injections reduced cocaine reward Experiment 2 ; and stimulated activity Experiments 3 and 4 ; as soon as the drug was administered to the VTA. Strictly speaking, however, Wise and Bozarth's 1987 ; theory predicts that an experimental manipulation should affect drug-induced reward and drug-induced locomotion in the same way. The series of experiments presented here did not examine cocaine-induced locomotion. It is possible that the actions of atropine interacted with the actions of cocaine in such as way as to reduce reward. Perhaps an interaction between the drugs, atropine and cocaine, would also inhibit locomotor activity. This and lopid. Please use the following solvent in addition to the test strips: "1.11851., Amphetamin-Mescalin-Test, Lsungsmittel" 1. Introduce a sample of the substance to be investigated into a depression in the drop plate with the aid of the spatula. If tablets are to be investigated, these should be reduced only to a very coarse powder, and not finely divided. ; 2. Add 5 to 10 drops of the solvent. 3. Dissolve the sample as far as is possible by stirring with the spatula. 4. Immerse the test strip with the entire reaction zone in the solution for a short period, and then remove. 5. Compare the colour of the reaction zone after 15 seconds with the colour scale. Disregard discolourations which develop later. 6. Clean the drop plate, dropper and spatula immediately after use with running water. The FDA has approved trypan blue ophthalmic solution Vision Blue, DORC International ; , the first product in the U.S. for staining the anterior lens capsule during cataract surgery. It is expected that the use of trypan blue will enhance the ability of ophthalmologists to remove advanced "white" cataracts, which typically occur in countries where medical care is not widely available. The surgeon will be able to view the capsule as it is cut and removed. Selective staining of the anterior lens capsule with trypan blue makes it easier to visualize, manipulate, and remove the cloudy lens through a surgical incision. The solution appears safe in both older and younger patients. It is currently marketed in 30 countries. Source: FDA, December 16, 2004.
In the analysis below we concentrate on information contained in the 64 fully and partially completed diaries, diaries for which we have at least one whole week of entries. Most of these diaries begin with entries made by the fieldworker for Day 1 and part of Day 2 and then by the participant for the remainder of the 14 days. The diaries of ten however were kept by someone other than the participant see Table 8.1.2 ; In some of the diaries kept by the participant, the fieldworker added entries over and above the first two days. Typically this was done during the course Table 8.1.2.

FIG. 3. Concentrations in plasma of erythromycin estolate 500mg dose and erythromycin base 0 ; after multiple doses every 8 h ; in one typical volunteer. You may not be able to take erythromycin, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special tests during treatment and exelon.

Mrit Karlsson and Anders Franklin Department of Antibiotics National Veterinary Institute SE-751 89 Uppsala, Sweden Introduction Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, the causative agent of swine dysentery, is mostly done by agar dilution. The most common medium used is Trypticase Soy agar supplemented with 5% bovine or ovine blood. Agar dilution is a rather complex method and we find the endpoints difficult to read using the inoculum size recommended for anaerobic bacteria in the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards NCCLS ; 1 ; . In order to facilitate susceptibility testing of B. hyodysenteriae a broth dilution method was evaluated to be published ; . In this paper the method is described and the in vitro activity of six antimicrobial agents to 50 Swedish field isolates is presented. Materials and Methods Field isolates of B. hyodysenteriae isolated from 46 different farms between 1997 and 2000 were investigated. The isolates were identified according to a biochemical classification system and stored in liquid nitrogen 2 ; . Thawed strains were grown on FAA-plates Fastidious Anaerobe Agar, National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden ; in an anaerobic atmosphere for three days at 39-40C. The following reference strains were included: B. hyodysenteriae B78T ATCC 27164T ; B. hyodysenteriae B204 ATCC 31212 ; . The following six antimicrobial agents were used: tylosin, tiamulin, erythromycin, clindamycin, carbadox, and virginiamycin. The compounds were dissolved and diluted according to the recommendations of the manufacturers. A panel for susceptibility testing of the six antimicrobial agents was designed. Twofold serial dilutions of the antimicrobial agents were dried in tissue culture trays with 48 wells NunclonTM Multidishes, NUNCTM, Denmark ; . Bacteria harvested from FAA plates were suspended in BHIS broth Brain Heart Infusion broth, Difco, supplemented with 10 % fetal calf serum ; to a concentration between 1x108 and 5x108 CFU ml. The optical density of all the suspensions was measured Secomam S.250 spectrophotometer, 620 nm, 5 mm path length ; and correlated to population density by viable cell counts. From this suspension 300 l was transferred to 30 ml BHIS broth to obtain a final inoculum concentration of 1x106 -5x106 CFU ml. Each well in the panels was filled with 0.5 ml of the inoculum. The panels were incubated in square-shaped GENbox anaerobic jars with GENbox anaer generator sachets bioMrieux, Lyon, France ; for four days on a shaker at 37C. The MIC was determined as the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that prevented visible growth. The trays were covered with plastic lids. Four trays were the maximum number in one jar. Results and Discussion In our hands the broth method is convenient and labor saving with endpoints easy to read and with reproducible results. The panels are stored in airtight foil pouches with a desiccant. To our experience the shelf life is at least 6 months. The susceptibility testing may be performed at short notice in a standardized way. The results of the susceptibility testing are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. No pleuromutilin resistance has yet been recorded for B. hyodysenteriae in Sweden. For different isolates the MIC of tiamulin was between 0 to 8 times higher than that of valnemulin.
The prevalence of people living with HIV infection is expected to rise and these people are increasingly likely to seek care from practitioners who are not specialists in managing HIV. Dental clinicians need to be aware of changes occurring in the management of HIV infection, the increase in number and complexity of antiretroviral regimens and the potential for drug interactions with commonly prescribed drugs. For example, erythromycin, metronidazole and miconazole have potential interactions with some antiretroviral drugs that may require close monitoring, alteration of drug dosage or timing of administration. Consultation with an HIV expert is strongly recommended before starting any new medication in patients taking antiretroviral drugs. Furthermore, unusual and rare adverse effects such as peri-oral paraesthesia can occur with antiretroviral drugs. Dental clinicians should be aware that approximately 50% of patients living with HIV AIDS are smokers.These patients therefore have an increased likelihood of oral diseases such as periodontal disease, leucoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma so thorough dental examination, treatment and monitoring is required.

Antibioticscommonlyassociated with some degree of gastrointestinal tractdistress, suchasamoxicillin-clavulanate, erythromycin-sulfisoxazole, and clarithromycin, should not be used in this patient. Antibiotics that require liquid "chasers" to prevent aftertaste eg, clarithromycin, cefuroxime, and cefpodoxime ; should also be avoided. Appropriate choices for this patient include the more palatable -lactamasestable antibiotics which produce minimal gastrointestinal tract adverse effects, such as ceftibuten, cefixime, azithromycin, and possibly trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. If clinicians suspect the possibility of bacterial enteritis high fever or blood or leukocytes in the stool ; , then azithromycin should be avoided. CONCLUSIONS The primary pathogens that cause AOM after amoxicillin failure include -lactamaseproducing gramnegative organisms ie, H influenzae and M catarrhalis ; and PRSP. Choosing antibiotics for children with AOM in whom amoxicillin therapy failed is a complex decision and should be based on careful consideration of the most likely pathogens, data on rates of PRSP from local ambulatory populations, and ancillary factors, such as concomitant infections including gastroenteritis, pneumonia, impetigo, conjunctivitis, or potential bacteremia. Practitioners often must choose between antibiotics with enhanced -lactamase stability or antibiotics with potential activity against PRSP. Adverse reactions, product taste, costs, dosing regimens, and compliance issues also may have a role in determining the most effective and well-accepted agent for the treatment of AOM after amoxicillin failure. Accepted for publication January 26, 1998. Corresponding author: Stan L. Block, MD, KentuckyPediatricResearch, 201 S Fifth St, Bardstown, KY 40004.

They were particularly interested to see if there was an increased risk if the patient was taking another type of drug cyp3a inhibitors ; in addition to erythromycin.

Create a Canadian Patient Safety Institute. Put priority on implementing an electronic health record for all Canadians. Report publicly on the health of Canadians and health care systems in a way that allows us to compare jurisdictions.

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